Can my employer decrease my pay to an apprenticeship level mid way through an apprenticeship?

Earlier this week my boss asked my manager what the minimum wage is increasing to, then 5 minutes later asked me if I what I was doing was a government accepted apprenticeship or something like that.

Given the business’ financial situation I’m a bit worried that he’ll reduce my wage to that of an apprentices. Looking online it says that if you’ve completed your first year then you have to be paid minimum wage, but does that mean worked at the company for a year or been doing the apprenticeship for a year.

I started working at the company in November 2021, so I’ve been there over a year, but started the apprenticeship last September 2022 so I’m only around 6 months in and should be finished this September 2023.

So my question is, can my employer legally pay me an apprenticeship wage or would that not be allowed due to working for them over a year? I should note that I do have an employment contract which agrees my current wage, would I need to sign a new contract for my pay to change?

  1. They would have to agree a new contract with you to change your wage, however I would double check how the contract covers them paying for your apprenticeship.

    There is also a difference between an apprenticeship and a day release for university or a course.

  2. Its highly unlikely they will actually reduce your pay because that will be in your current contract with them. It sounds much more like they are checking to see whether they have to legally pay you the minimum wage increase when it comes in (I.e, give you a decent pay rise), or whether they can avoid it on the grounds the apprenticeship means that they don’t have to pay the minimum wage so can keep you at your current rate while you are training.

  3. So this is all in your head basically, as your wage hasn’t been reduced. Stop worrying about something that hasn’t happened

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