How long was your longest crush?

  1. 4yrs i believe, we never dated. He never even acknowledged my presence, so it was fine.

  2. 6 Months in high school, eventually got to know the person and they turned out to be insanely racist

    Was heartbroken tbh

  3. 3 years when I was in middle school, and he had never told me actually he was a gay and dated my friend after graduation. Really funny story.

  4. It’s only been about 36 years. I’ll let you know if I ever get over her. (man btw)

  5. 4 years +, I texted her yesterday and noticed how long it’s been since we last saw eachother.

  6. Around 15 years. We ended up dating, twice. He was a great guy but the situation ended up breaking me. I loved him so much but I’ve learned that if you fantasize about someone for SO LONG, actually being with them can be off-putting.

  7. 14 years. He knew I liked him, but we just couldn’t be together. My feelings persisted even after he died.

    Three years ago I met another good man, and I realized that it’s time to let go of my old feelings. I’m still learning how to love my new guy. He is a blessing in my life. I wanna give him a BJ right now.

  8. It’s been about 7 years at this point? High school crush, turned college crush and now I’ve been dating him for almost 2 of the 7 years. still have a hugeeee crush on him.

  9. This kid named Jacob in elementary school. I liked him I think through like 5th grade up to 8th grade. We were “dating” in 8th grade and we were so unbelievably shy that we ended up not talking once we started high school and just “broke it off” 😂

  10. I think…. 13 years? We’re married- but i still have a crush on my husband.

  11. 2 years. College final years. Neither of us had the guts to express the feelings lol.

  12. On and off for 5 years. He’s gay so I never bothered telling him but I think I was also avoiding the rejection. We’re still good friends after nearly another 4 years and I laugh about it with our other friends. As far as I’m aware he still doesn’t know lol

  13. It’s going on 5 years. I fucked it up 5 years ago and now this man lives rent free in my fucking head.

  14. 6 years for me but im a guy, liked her since 1st grade till she moved after 6th grade. We never dated

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