She has a problem with me walking in on her through an opened bathroom or bedroom door, unless I’m called by her. She said that I need to respect her privacy because she might be doing private things, like applying make up, etc. I’ve scared her a couple of times and it led to me getting griped out. I’m just wanting to talk to her or be next to her. And when I mentioned that to her, she said would I walk in on her 12 year daughter in those same situations? Please give me your thoughts and opinions. Thanks

  1. If you just recently started dating her then all the more YES you should be respecting her privacy. Knock. Call for her from the hallway. Don’t just pop up behind her like a cat while she’s plucking a stray chin hair or changing her panties. Have some manners. It’s not like she’s your wife of 40 years and the comfort level is such that you don’t care who sees who doing what. She tried to make it clear to you how uncomfortable you’re making here so why are you asking reddit and not just changing your behavior so it’s not scary and upsetting to her?

  2. I believe you should allow her to have boundaries. You have no idea why she wants those boundaries.

    While I understand the desire to be near or want to talk to her, respect is a two way street. Unless you are leaving out some form of details, this does not seem like much of a request.

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