At my workplace, several of my coworkers have told me not to take things too seriously when they joke about me or are being sarcastic. I try to go back and forth with them but I have been told my delivery comes across as serious. I will admit I can be naive, but I know when they’re joking but how I react gives them the impression that I do not know how to take a joke. An example would be when I was told I shouldn’t be working here because I was counting my money slow and I replied by saying “wow you’re so fxcked up”. I knew they were joking but they thought it hurt my feelings. Like I mentioned earlier, when I try to joke back, it does translate well and comes across as me being serious.

I just want advice on how to be seen as someone who is relaxed, laid back, and loves to joke and laugh. I feel like my presence makes people feel uneasy. I sometimes wear a mask so they probably can’t see my facials.

My goal is to form stronger connections with my coworkers and maybe become friends with some of them because I like them, but I feel like I push them away because of how I react to their jokes and sarcasm.

Just a little note, the jokes aren’t hardcore or offensive. They are usually lighthearted.

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