If internet access was going to be permanently cut off tomorrow, what would you spend time downloading?

  1. A bunch of books on my Kindle. Once they’re all on there, I won’t need to connect to the internet again.

  2. I’d order prints of all of the special photos on my phone I’d want to have.

  3. who knows, i’d probably wait until the last possible minute to start downloading things anyway

  4. YouTube videos, Spotify playlists and books. Plus anything I’ve made (music, art, etc.)

  5. As much new music as I possibly could, tons of novels from the library (I suppose I wouldn’t have to return them because there’d be no way to), podcast episodes I never caught up on, games I could play offline, any how-to tutorial things I might ever need (or think I would need in an emergency, or to fix things), recipes, any apps that don’t use internet but could be useful for my phone .. that’s all I can think of off-hand!

    Edit: someone said porn, and I agree with that too haha

  6. I have a rather large chunk of Wikipedia downloaded for that exact reason. About 3TB I store on a server at home. But it’s a much more through collection than the Kiwix collection.

  7. All of my older pictures on Facebook and Photobucket. I forgot I even had them on that site until they emailed me.

  8. Blue prints to every power station that make’s electricity. Blue prints to every company that makes and supplies natural gas. Every single medical procedure, every single record how to make any vaccine or a pill. How to build a house, how to grow flood, how to make my own shoes and clothes.

    If internet went down tomorrow permanently. It would be a world wide chaos. It would take up to 3 years imho for the world to function properly with out internet.

  9. Books/ movies, exercise/yoga tutorials, survival guides of some stuff I do not know, recipes, meditation and motivational videos.

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