No matter how much i masturbate, i’m still horny. Sometimes a good orgasm will satisfy me but a few hours go by and it’s right back. It’s kinda frustrating cause it happens a lot when i wake up and i need to get ready for my day but can’t bc i just havvveee to masturbate before i do anything else. And then that orgasm doesn’t satisfy me enough so then i gotta do it again until i am. Help me.

Edit: i’m a virgin btw.

  1. If it’s impacting your life, talk to your doctor. They have treatment options that might help.

  2. If your sex drive is interfering with your daily life, it’s a sign of some problem. Even people with high sex drives usually don’t end up wasting a ton of valuable time every day in order to masturbate.

  3. I used to have this wonderful problem.So,I had to find more one night stands and 2-3 gf.Thanks a lot to them,it is over now.I think,you just go through a phase where sexual drive is highest.That’s signal from your body to procreate.

    Do not take anti depressants to subdue sexual urges.

    DO exercise or running or some physical labour.Start studying some really difficult subject.Nothing kills sexual drive like work and reading

  4. Don’t feel ashamed but if it’s interfering with your life you might have to talk to someone about it.

  5. One suggestion could be to find someone who can assist you in replacing your habit of masturbating with exercise, particularly in the morning. If this is not feasible due to the urge to masturbate first, consider having someone motivate you to exercise together instead of masturbating.

    Additionally, when you experience feelings of sexual arousal, try engaging in other activities together, such as playing video games or something else enjoyable. It is important to reduce the amount of alone time you have, as this can increase the likelihood of engaging in masturbation.

    Another approach could be to establish a schedule for masturbating and to gradually reduce the frequency over time, aiming for once a day or even three times a week, and eventually down to once a week. The key is to take it slow and become accustomed to the new routine gradually

  6. Be aware enough not to confuse horny with anxious and/or in need of that oxytocin.

    Masturbation is healthy but if you use it as a procrastination device or anxiety crutch, there might be better options.

    Like, go on Lexapro and you definitely won’t do it as often, if that’s what you want.

  7. Obviously if its a big problem,seek a doctor.Excessive sex is not good for you mentally or physically.Namely it fucking drains you of your energy.Its like exercise.Its give and take

    Also please for love of God,stop watching porn so much.I know its cruel and all but porn sends all the wrong messages.You are basically teaching your dick &brain that cumming is all you need and want in life.That is super toxic. If I were you I would just watch kink videos.Unlike porn they teach the right messages mostly about consent

    Also try looking for personality in a woman rather then her fuckability.I look for class and fun. I have watched several models my favorite being Victoria.Shes so sweet and gentle and classy and so energetic and if i Didnt have my other fantasy she would be my girlfriend in the afterlife.

    Also if you are going this path,accept that its just a fantasy.Obsession is NOT fucking funny,I experienced it myself and it was very difficult to break it off.

  8. Will all your respect, you may be a sex addict. Please see someone or o to SA. The longer you stay in this the more you may suffer

  9. I would talk to a doctor or therapist. Some people naturally have high sex drives but if it gets in the way of things it is probably time to seek treatment.

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