Me (F13) and this guy (M14) were talking for almost 4 months until he told me he lost interest and we agreed to stop talking. I can’t say that I don’t miss him because I do more than anything. Every morning I think about him, every night, I think about him. I know it’s unhealthy, but he’s on my mind constantly. I’ve done my research and I’ve tried everything I can to get over him, meditation, watching movies, starting a new hobby, etc.. but nothing has helped. It was only about three weeks ago that I found out that he was talking to another girl (F14) a month before we stop talking. I don’t know what I did wrong. Maybe it’s because I wasn’t as pretty as her or maybe he liked her better as a person. I’m not even mad at him for talking to somebody else I still miss him, I miss him so much it physically pains me I have constant headaches and I have these episodes where I space out and push people away. I hate that I remember every little detail about him. I remember his first middle and last name, I remember his favourite colour, that he has read the entirety of Harry Potter. He has a collection of books and he’s only missing one. I remember that he prefer cats or dogs, but likes them both, he loves museums, he’s very smart when it comes to English and math and he’s also horrible at finishing his homework. I don’t hate him for remembering these details, I hate myself, I hurt myself every time I think about either one of these. I miss when we talk for hours. How we would jokingly make fun of each other. And call each other nonstop. I miss when he would tell me I was gorgeous or beautiful as no one had ever called me that before. I miss how much of a nerd he was. This was the very first time that somebody has ever liked me like that and I’ve ever liked someone like that. I still like him as much as I did when we first started talking. I understand that I’m only 13 years old and it’s not the end of the world that we stop talking. I understand that he has moved on and I understand that I will have more opportunities like this in life. But that doesn’t change the fact that he meant something to me, that that relationship meant something to me. I know this won’t matter in a couple of years but it’s hurting me now more than he could imagine.

Tl;dr what should I do?

  1. gonna be honest I skimmed through this. however, im guessing it was the first time you had something like this happen. when you’re young these “firsts” always seem like the end of the world. it feels terrible right now but someone better will come along and give you the world. just take your time and heal

  2. You should wake up late on the weekend, do something you enjoy, study hard, and have a great week. You’ll find your way out of this rut soon enough.

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