Eg. The guy is great at talking to the point it triggers the scientific reaction of dopamine (nervousness basically) and you want to manage it

Context: in a getting-to-know-each other phase, sorry for confusion!

  1. I don’t really understand what you are asking. Is this person trying to manipulate me or something?

  2. A good talker?

    Do you mean someone who is articulate and talks comfortably?

    Why would that be a problem?

  3. You have two ears and one mouth, so make him realize that you’re listening it’s twice as important as speaking.

  4. Okay so what I’m picking up here is that you’re really nervous, and they’re well-spoken and charming and you don’t want to feel like you’re fumbling. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

    Over text, I have two pieces of advice that help me: (1) I try to think what would I say if a friend said this (because it helps me be less nervous, more open) and tweak from there and (2) I try to respond with things that I know they can add to/work off of/continue the conversation aka avoid being a dry texter.

    In person, you need to find something that will relax you and that’s different for people. For example, some people feel more grounded when they’re paying more attention to the words being spoken, but for others, focusing on the conversation might make them overly self-conscious and more nervous.

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