Ill keep this short. Met a great girl. Finally. But i cant get it up for her due to high stress and anxiety from work and dick medical issues (probably stemming from stress. Possibly tight pelvic muscles due to the way i hold stress causing pain in urethra. No uti or std has been confirmed. Even the weird ones likes mgen). I feel like i should let her go cause i dont want to hinder her sexuality. I feel worthless because i in previous relationships my high sex drive has kept me confident and secure. Now i dont have that. Idk what to do. I feel like sex is not the most important thing but we all know it’s important. Ill add, shes so patient and supportive and i have been open with her about whats going on. Thoughts?

  1. Glad you’re open about these things with her. The important thing is that you’re working to be in a better place, whether it’s pushing for better working conditions, doing therapy to help work out your anxiety, or continuing to try and find out what’s going on physically.

    Doing all that, you can ask her for more patience while you get better. None of that stuff is permanent and if she’s understanding now, she can continue supporting you. You can tell her to be open and honest when she feels like it’s starting to get to her so you can both decide then to continue the relationship. But I wouldn’t call it quits if she’s as great as you say.

    You’re more than your genitals so it’s just a matter of time before they catch up to your feelings for her.

  2. >I feel like i should let her go cause i dont want to hinder her sexuality.

    Let her decide for herself whether the relationship is meeting her needs. That’s how autonomy works.

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