Recently started seeing someone and i wanted to get her something cute. But i usually end up way overboard when it comes to gifts.

Advice welcome

  1. Cute early on gifts are snacks she likes. It shows you are paying attention to the little things and prevents you from going overboard.

  2. Fresh flowers, a fancy coffee drink when you show up to pick her up, or bring her favorite bottle of wine to a netflix and chill date, Godiva chocolates or from a local chocolate shop, etc. I would stick to traditional niceties, things that show you thought of her but don’t go for things that are:

    -too personal too quick (it can feel overbearing)

    -too expensive

    -will last forever (like a necklace) because that comes with all kinds of complicated feelings especially if you break up

    Food, flowers, drinks are nice because they are generally small and can be enjoyed in the moment.

  3. Overboard is spending more than $50 on a gift, when youve known each other less than 6 months.

    Visa Gift card, flowers, maybe some of her favorite snacks. Ask questions, because every woman is different. You cant assume that one wont like something just because another didnt.

    Ive gotten a book (I love books) as well as flowers early on. Loved both.

    My old roommate used to get chocolate from a guy all the time. Shed give it to me instead of telling him she didnt like them. Id eat 2 pieces and throw the rest away cause those things are too heavy/rich to eat all the time.

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