What are you doing to keep your yards/lawns healthy?

  1. Nothing. I wish I didn’t have grass. It’s fucking stupid. I only mow it because I have animals so I don’t want ticks and shit.

  2. I mow, trim, edge, use turf builder and weed the plant beds. I enjoy having a well groomed yard.

  3. I mow the lawn every other week, and spray some problem areas with weed killer as needed (namely behind my shed and along the one side of my house that’s just gravel)

    Beyond that, mother nature determines the health of my lawn.

  4. I live in the Arizona desert and lawns are a pain to maintain in the summer heat so I went with turf in the grassy areas while still keeping trees/shrubs throughout the front/back yards.

    It’s just easier and huge savings on the water bill which is good when the entire region of the SW is running low on water, so I also feel like I am doing my part to help curb consumption.

  5. Get rid of the standard grass lawn and have a more manageable/water efficient landscape.

  6. I get someone to take care of it for me. I really like the summer, i really hate yard work and gardening. Watering the plants is pretty much all i am willing to do. The guy that does it mows the grass, spreads some seeds where i need them, plants the flowers that i buy and puts the vegitable garden in order, he does all those things for me and i pay him $400 at the start of the season to get those things ready for me. And then again at the end of the season to put all that stuff away for the winter. And $60 every other week when he cuts the grass.

  7. Putting stakes in the edge of my yard so I/ the plow guy doesn’t roll over the grass when clearing out snow.

    Well… I didn’t think to do this until last week. I had already snowblowed in December and went a few feet over, and the guy that does our connected drive just followed suit. Suns out but it’s gonna be a few months before I can assess any damage if it’s there, and what to do with it.

  8. I fucking hate my yard and doing yard work. I hope it dies and becomes a dirt patch.

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