Hi, I decided to be exclusive with this guy a few months ago, so I cut off all the guys I was talking to and let them know I’m going to be exclusive with someone. Well it didn’t work out with this guy and I’m thinking about reaching out to a guy I cut off. Is this an asshole move? We had went on a date before and it was nice but I was just into someone else more at the time. I was thinking of asking him out to dinner but I’m not sure if this is appropriate.

  1. It’s not a BAD thing to do, but be aware that he knows he wasn’t a first choice and expect him to treat you as unimportant.

  2. Idk how would you feel if you found out you weren’t really a first choice and then the guy came back later like “hey my first choice didn’t work out so I’m back hehe let’s grab dinner” would you be okay with that?

  3. The only way this would work long term is if you genuinely realized you misjudged this guy and actually are really into him and ONLY him. Even then, you’re gonna have to prove it with words and actions for awhile until he really believes you.

    I would pause and examine your own heart and see if this has anything to do with an uneasiness about being single too long or an insecurity or something. The last thing you want to do is enter a relationship that you shouldn’t be in, only because you’d rather not be alone. That will just breed bitterness between the both of you and that hurts a lot and can be damaging in other ways too.

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