I haven’t had sex for awhile but I am about to have it again for the 2nd time and I don’t know how to prepare for it , I’m scared and don’t know what to do

Tips pls

  1. Have a drink. Just one, I’m not talking fall-over-drunk lol. Little dutch courage never hurt anyone. Always helped me just take that tiny bit of the edge off to where I could relax.

  2. If you have to prepare maybe you aren’t really up for it? Sex should come naturally and organically…if that’s not happening maybe postpone a bit and let it build up to it.

  3. Pain means stop, always. Listen to your body, communicate that to your partner. If they don’t get physically defensive and **leave**. Wish I didn’t have to add that last part, but too many horror stories…

    Consent means an enthusiastic “yes”. Anything less is a hard “no”.

    There is such thing as “too much foreplay”, but humanity has not yet discovered this limit. Don’t be afraid to take your time, or ask for more attention.

    Bring supplies! Lube, tissues, condoms, and water (to drink) are all on my list.

    Have fuuuuun!

  4. Be open and honest with your partner. If they’re a good person they’ll 100% understand and accommodate your nervousness.

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