Men, how often do you think about your first love and do you miss them even if you’re in a new relationship/marriage?

  1. Occasionally. I go a long time without thinking about them, then something might trigger thoughts about them. Then sometimes it can be fun to reminisce and think about some good times and be grateful foe those, while acknowledging that time is over and in the past. I didn’t have too many horrible break ups. so I don’t have any ill will towards them.

  2. For me that first love was in college. She was a sorority girl who was a lot of fun – always the life of the party Everyone loved her,. She had a real pretty face, but she was overweight which was always a turn off for me. I tried to get past it, but that was always there Everything else about her was great and we had a blast together for 4 years. To this day certain songs will bring back memories.Whenever I drive through San Diego, roadsigns that lead to where she lived remind me of all the times we were together and all the places we went.. It was an ugly break up. I feel guilty about that relationship to this day. I worked hard to win her,at first but then realized very quickly I was not happy and wanted my freedom to date other women.that I was more attracted to. I let that go on far too long because as I said, the rest of our life together was great. She was expecting we would marry. The thought of being married to someone I was not sexually attracted to felt like being trapped. When it was finally over, she very quickly found another guy who I am told really loved. her and they married. I was happy for her, and a little relieved. .I lived my bachelor days and man-whored for years before I finally settled down.I guess I was making up for lost time (and booty). I wish I had only had a friendship with her instead of a romantic relationship. Regardless of whether she ever thinks of me at all, I regret hurting her.and certain sights and sounds still remind me of that experience

  3. He was a selfish cunt and I haven’t thought about him until now.

    I still don’t care, time to forget again.

  4. I diagnosed my ex with borderline personality disorder while we were having psych lectures on my 3rd year in medical school… i told her, she had herself checked and I was right. Now she is in a stable relationship with a baby…

    So to answer your question, i am grateful of her, still remember her from time to time, in fact i am friends with her, but Fuck her actions back then that have hurt me and other men

  5. I’ve had a couple of relationships, although I’m still waiting for the one. However, there’s only 1 girl in my past that I still hold significant feelings for, and she and I were never in a relationship.

  6. Sometimes I think about her out of morbid curiosity, but it’s been few and far between. It was a bad fit and only lasted 9 months. I’m in a much healthier relationship so it’s easy to not look back and wonder about an ultimately bad situation.

  7. A fair bit, like once a week or once every few weeks when I’m real jobless.

    And it’s not exactly missing them it’s more your mind wandering about and happening on the topic of “what if” it had worked out, would my life have been different, if so how etc.

  8. She died in my arms December 2, 1987. Anytime I’m at a fork in the road of life I ask her which way I should go. Kim has never steered me wrong.

  9. My first love? Yeah, she’s one of my best friends. When we broke up though it was 17 years of being friends, neither of us wanted to throw that away, she was more mature about it than i was, i was salty for almost a whole year after that

  10. About once every few years. I don’t miss them though I did try to contact them once to see how they were doing. Never heard a reply.

  11. First TRUE love, still with her 30 years later. The girl I THOUGHT I loved, about once a week. Although, the last time I saw her, it looked like she had some “work” done and did NOT look good at all, so, less and less.

  12. I have thought about her a lot more than I want to. The whole experience was scarring. More sad than anything. We didn’t work because we had no money, but what would life have been like if we had? Probably the same issues wouldn’t have surfaced until we were committed. Those issues were *bad*.

  13. Yes. I wish I’d not been interested in her, or had never told her I was interested, or had been better able to handle her lack of interest in me.

    Had I been nearly as mature as I am now, we could have been great friends and had lots to reminisce over.

    Instead, we don’t speak.

    It’s a lesson on handling myself I needed to learn..but that friendship was lost for the lesson.

  14. I think a good word for it would be reminisce. Never really forget the first, and those were great memories, but its all far, far in the past. Its like daydreaming about your elementary school days when you’re bored; those are good memories but I have absolutely zero interest in going back to elementary school LOL.

    An interesting trigger, when you get older, is when you first (or last?) kid gets to the age or life events you were at when you were together with your first love. Kids seem to mature a lot slower now, kids grew up a lot faster in the old days, LOL, so my kids haven’t gone thru this yet but they have been that age. Like it seems yesterday I was talking to this chick about prom, and now my own kids are going to prom, holy shit.

  15. Every day. I married her. We were together in highschool, broke up and got back together 5 years later.

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