What is something you feel guilty for wanting?

  1. To move away from my family. They are so wonderful and I love them all so, so much but I feel constricted by who they expect or think I am. They all have spouses and family’s of their own, but I’m alone and not happy here. I want a new adventure.

    I’m still going to do it, but the guilt makes me feel terrible.

  2. Solo travel. I know we would have fun together but there’s SO much I wanna do/see that I think my fiancée would just not appreciate, and then it’d end up just being me doing the thing alone anyway or dragging him begrudgingly.

  3. An outrageous fast car. Like a hot pink Lamborghini or something.

    Cars like that are dumb, silly, unpractical, uncomfortable, terrible for the environment and crazy expensive. They shouldn’t exist. They go against everything I stand for. I shouldn’t want one.

    But I still want one.

  4. I want to be a subby pillow princess for a couple scenes. I want to be taken care of and cherished and for someone to plan out everything for me. And then I want to eat ice cream in bed during aftercare.

  5. A breakup.

    My relationship is mostly perfect but my guy just had an ex come into his life and tell him her three year old twins are his. Pending results of the test, we are probably breaking up, because I don’t have nor do I want any children. I feel terrible leaving him to deal with this alone, but it’s just not the life I want for myself.

  6. Wanting to be found physically attractive. I know it is shallow but I feel like I put a lot of effort into my looks yet rarely get validated for it. I think I am pretty but I wish others would think the same.

  7. An easy life. I know I already lead a privileged life in many ways, but I just want to quit my job, make art, and never worry about paying bills ever again.

  8. A nice ring and wedding. It’s just so expensive. And i hate people spending money on me lol

  9. A romantic relationship. On one hand i would love to have that intimacy again , but i have no idea if i’m able to be in one again and give it my all

  10. A rich man to marry so I don’t have to go to medical school and get a job. All I want is to be a stay at home wife/ mom and live lavish..

  11. To be a housewife. I always imagined I’d want to be this career driven independent woman but I find more joy in supporting my husband and his business.

  12. To not be alive. Feels like an easy option to just not exist and I always feel guilty when I have that thought

  13. My ex to walk back into my life, even though I broke up with him and we are incompatible. I miss him so much.

  14. An emotionally available partner

    I know this is a basic level of respect. But growing up in an emotionally abusive home makes me feel like this is wanting too much from a partner

  15. To be married and start a family.

    I’ve always felt that relationships and marriage are something that happens organically. “Dating to Marry” has never been my goal, because I think that if I go into a relationship with marriage in mind, it might make me more prone to marry someone I don’t actually deeply love.

    But as I’ve gotten older, I’ve been wondering if getting married is something I have to make happen rather than waiting for it to happen. I’m so tired of dating, and sometimes I look back and think about ex’s I should have worked harder to build a future with instead of ending the relationship because I wasn’t feeling it.

  16. Sounds crazy, but to be “girly”. Like wear dresses, get pink stuff, fuzzy steering wheel covers, wear cute outfits, heels etc. it was shit on growing up a lot, so I feel guilty and odd that I want it now.

    But ya know what, I know it’s something I truly love and enjoy, so I’m embracing the uncomfy feelings!

  17. Some sort of apocalypse that resets everything and turns people into weirdo’s.
    A drastic social upheaval where all norms shift.

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