San Rafael here

  1. We were allowed to create a fake one, so I did that. Thus Mission Junipero Serra was born.

  2. Mission San Jose in…Fremont.

    Can we also ask about building model missions because my class didn’t do that.

  3. One of my kids did San Luis Rey Mission in Oceanside. The other did San Diego de Alcala in San Diego.

    They didn’t build models of the missions. I took them to the missions to walk around, get tours, and take pictures and then they made Power Point presentations with the pictures we took.

  4. Wow. I cannot remember at all and I’m really sad about that! If i could do one right now, I’d do San Juan Capistrano just so i could make a bunch of tiny swallows.

  5. Mine would have been San Jose. Our option was to build a mission out of sugar cubes as a group project or write a 10-page paper on a topic of our choice. I hate group projects with the fire of a million suns, so I wrote a 10-page paper on the Vietnam War.

  6. San Juan Bautista!

    We built ours out of sugar cubes. The teacher loved them until the ants came…

  7. I can’t recall the specifics from fourth grade. All I remember is going through a ton of sugar cubes and tearing a side off of corrugated cardboard for that tiled roof look.

  8. San Luis. And this is before you could buy the kit at a craft store. I made mine out of sugar cubes.

  9. Also, did anyone else have to make the large topographical map of California out of some weird flour and water dough?

  10. Dam I don’t remember but I do remember that I hated it.

    Wait i think it was Santa Bárbara or San José

    Had to build it out of any supplies at home, no sugar cubes or any popsicles sticks. So stuff like construction paper, cardboard, some other kids used animal figures and people, plastic bells, and even fake turf/fake grass.

  11. San Diego de Alcalá

    Aka the farthest possible mission from where I lived at the time in Nor Cal.

    Also, my dad did most of it. 😂

  12. Mine was San Luis Rey. I kind of procrastinated and did such a shitty job that my parents ended up going to Michaels to get craft board and knick knacks to “help” me do it.

    And none of that sugar cube shit that all the San Juan Capistrano kids did.

  13. San Juan Bautista! We even took a field trip there, and I still have the photos I took. So randomly, (I’m 57 now), I took a ceramics class last year and met a younger woman and turns out her mom was my teacher back then. I dug up my photos and gave her the ones of her mom at the mission. It was kind of cool.

  14. I didn’t have to do that one. But I helped my kids do theirs. I remember the experience being a nightmare and nothing about the actual subject.

  15. I did San Gabriel Mission. Nothing special, just cereal cardboard and paint. My class had a field trip to San Fernando Mission and ever since 4th Grade, only been to one other mission, the one in Solvang (La Purisima or Santa Ynez I think)

  16. Mission San Fernando Rey de España.

    I picked it because it was the closest one to me so I could get my dad to drive me there.

  17. San Luis Obispo de Tolosa. Parents and I took a trip out there and visited Hearst Castle too.

  18. San Juan Capistrano… sugar cubes and toothpicks.

    I’m disturbed I know what this is without thinking about it.

  19. Painted/glazed a tile of Mission Basilica San Diego de Alcala. It wasn’t very good, but it’s still on the wall at my parents house along with the three my brothers did of other missions.

  20. Proof that the US isn’t a monoculture, bc I have NO clue what you’re talking about lol

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