What does it mean to be understood or have understanding from your SO?

  1. Listening, truly. That means really listening, without tuning out, is the only way to understand.
    As a woman, when I vent about something, I don’t expect or want my husband to fix anything. Just listen.

  2. I don’t get the question. It’s the same use of the words understanding and understood commonly used everywhere else in your life. It’s not a secret code.

  3. He knows my boundaries and he listens, when he grabs my hand or holds me close as I rant or cry.

    He knows all the little things without me telling him, he reads my mood in my eyes. He knows me better than I know myself.

  4. He knows and accepts all the things about me that no one else gets close enough to see. It’s acceptance of all the good times and the bad times alike. He understands my joy, my anxiety, my pride, my feelings of failure. He doesn’t just understand the now, but the past and where I’m coming from. He doesn’t just understand the words I’m saying but the sentiment behind it. When he doesn’t instantly understand, he strives to. Above all, he understands my values, my thoughts, my opinions and he not only respects them but admires and accepts them.

  5. He trying to understand where i’m coming from without following his thought processes.

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