What is an unknown/unexpected perk about your job?

  1. I’m a receptionist. I can pretty much wear whatever because the dress code is not very strict in my office (not the case for everywhere). Also, if I need to run to an appointment, my coworkers are awesome and will cover for me just as I will cover for them.

  2. It’s flexibility. Owning my own business is 10/10 on the stress meter, but it’s really a massive perk knowing that if I need a day or an hour off (planned or unplanned) I can do that because I’m my own boss.

  3. Free dental cleanings! Mouth hygiene is important.

    I think I’d rather get the perks some other people are getting. Hmm, I’m not as excited about it now.

  4. I work for a truck mechanics, they’re all extremely generous with their time and my car gets fixed all for the low low price of a crate of Stella

  5. Blue cheese. No one eats it on the charcuterie boards at our event so I go home with tonnes of delicious expensive cheese.

  6. I was promoted to management, and women’s outfits were either skirt suits or pant suits. Navy or charcoal or black.

    Skirt suits had black pumps not over 3-inches and pantyhose of skin tone or off black. I love skirts and didn’t mind pantyhose and my allowance was a pair a day. Use it or lose it, too.

    I was easy on them so a pair would last a week or so….and by the time I quit I had a few tons of them. Gave most of them away new in package, and I am still finding these fucking nylons here and there.

    I took a hundred or so pairs NIP to the local thrift, the woman at the counter said they would never move, but every single pair was gone before lunch.


  7. Free time. I work in IT.

    When things run smoothly, I can do pretty much whatever on my laptop (so long as it is appropriate). I’ve been listening to podcasts and expanding my knowledge on different subjects. It’s awesome!

    And the other thing is if I get tired of that, I can walk over the other side of campus for a cortadito (Cuban espresso) and hang for a bit with a cool lady.

  8. I’m a teacher. I fucking love not having to work all summer. I don’t get paid for not working–I ask my district to hold my salary and spread it out through the summer so I’m still getting the money that I earned for my work earlier in the school year. That’s how pretty much all teachers who get paid in the summer get paid. But it’s really fucking nice to have a couple of months all for myself in the summer before I have to start going to PDs and trainings for the new school year.

  9. I work from home, and I do not have to have my vacation time or choice time pre approved. If I put in for it, it’s sealed and done.

  10. The pay. About a year ago, I noticed my bank account was larger than usual. My paycheck for my parttime job is deposited automatically and the paystub is online. I went online and looked at my paystub. My boss had given me a $10 per hour raise. I called to tell her she’d made a mistake. She said it wasn’t a mistake. She said I was making a lot of money for her, so she was going to share the wealth with me. She is an awesome boss, which is one of the best perks.

  11. I WFH, and work a second online job during my down time a few hours a week for pocket money.

  12. Part of my job is to order food for events which means I get to add several extra orders for me and my roommates and pack leftovers.

  13. Laying bricks is almost like meditation. Lifting blocks is weightlifting. When it comes to work-life balance, I get to multi-task!

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