He said that their kid “missed” my kid because they hadn’t seen us in a while. But then their kid wondered by and ask “who is (insert son’s name).” Am I just naive, or is this something kind of a red flag? I am tempted to right them off as my protective parent instincts kick in. He is our first child so I am not experienced in dealing with other parents and their ways of handling things like this.

I know people do this type of stuff in passing, like with acquaintances. But I considered this person a friend. Now I just don’t know what to think.

  1. The kid might not remember the name of your kid, but if they see a picture of them they might remember.

    I’m 30 and there are people whom i know by face or what they do, but not by name.

    Or maybe the parent wanted to set up a hanging out. They hang out with you while your kids play together. It’s like a double hangout and a win/win situation. They get to hang out with you and they have a way to occupy their kid (and give them a socialisation opportunity).

    Also kids might be more “in the moment” and have less long term memory, thus they might forget the thing after the thing happened.

    They might have wanted to set up a “play date” with your kid while making it sound like it was the kids idea.

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