Those with anger issues- what do you do to prevent outbursts?

  1. It’s not an anger issue it’s a discipline deficiency. Build up your discipline. It’s like working out a muscle group.

    You can remove yourself from the stressor when required until you’re strong enough.

    If something routinely sets you off and you can rid yourself of it, do so. Moving was a big thing for me. Cutting out certain people can help. Changing careers. If you put effort into healthy things like improving your surroundings, it gets easier.

  2. I used to be angry.

    Getting needlessly hurt because of anger kind of cured most of it, and getting older and realizing a lot of shit just doesn’t matter cured the rest.

  3. Remove yourself from the situation as soon as you start feeling flooded for as long as needed to get your mind right before returning to the issue to address it like an adult..

  4. Practicing control, as men anger is one of the hardest emotions for us to control. To prevent my outburst I just walk away and take the time it needs to process the situation. Then I will come back and have a calm conversation

  5. 2 things, first I consider that it makes my gf uncomfortable. I also stop to consider if the thing I am angry about is something that’s still going to matter 6 months from now.

  6. I have no choice but to swallow it. Maybe vent a little on reddit.

    Not healthy, but what can I do? Therapy did *not* work for me.

  7. Walk away. If people approach me, tell them to come back in five minutes.

    I’ll also sing. It’s relaxing.

    It’s rough. With ADHD I’m severely prone to emotional outbursts.

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