I am not seeking an answer for each country in Europe, but an answer about a general attitude towards them or about specific countries that you think matter more.

  1. How close the US is to western european democracies has always depended largely on the magnitude of external global threats – hopefully Russia/China can liberalize to make this connection one of choice not necessity

  2. We have a president marry into the Royal family in the UK and then orchestrate a series of “accidents.”

    Make UK America again.

    Also when WWIII breaks out and we win then Marshall Plan 2.0 won’t be so hands off. We put a Chuck E Cheez in Berlin and Moscow and make them our embassies.

  3. I think the US and UK will be connected for the foreseeable future, like it or not. For the EU, I have no idea. A lot can happen in the next 50 years and I honestly believe Europe will see some interesting times in the coming decades. I’m more confident about some kind of consistency in relationship with the UK than the continent.

  4. Ukraine: very well, blood is thicker than water in a more unpleasant way then the word implies.

    Poland: also very well. We always had some sympathy with them.

    Britain: maybe cooling a bit but still a special relationship. You can’t exchange that much culture without something sticking.

    France: they are less the friend and more the brother we are always fighting with. The codicil to that is that we are the only ones that get to insult them.

  5. Well, hopefully, there will be a socialist revolution, and England and other imperialist countries will receive the Cuba treatment. As for any revolutionary European countries (Likely France or Spain), I hope we’d ally with them. As for what’s more realistic, we, along with the thieving western euro countries, will continue bleeding the global south dry.

  6. Unless something changes, Europe probably won’t control the world… For the first time since the mongols sacked

  7. I think the ”Special Relationship” between the US and UK will continue to grow closer post-Brexit.

    I think the EU will become more federal and become more of a military ally than a military dependent (which is what they currently are). At least I hope.

    I think “The West” sphere will start to grow as the future generations in Eastern and Balkan Europe want to align themselves more with the traditional West/EU.

    I think The West, between the global Anglosphere and Europe, will become more culturally integrated because the younger generations now will be rising into power by then.

    By then, everyone who has grown up in the Information Age will have been exposed to pretty much the same pop culture and internet discourse. There’s been an open market of ideas and direct communication across the seas. So, European youth will adopt US cultural elements and US youth will adopt more European cultural elements.

    The US has also been steadily trending towards secularism, green energy, universal healthcare, urbanism, and stronger centralized government, which are all things that are more culturally aligned with Europe.

    However, I think the EU economy will struggle more compared to the US economy through the coming demographic crisis and climate crisis, and also be slower to act to military threats.

    There could be an international relations breakdown if China threatens US allies in the Pacific and European allies resist getting involved because they don’t feel as invested in that region.

  8. i dont see it changing anytime soon. they need us more than we need them but we still benefit tremendously.

  9. I think there’s a natural alliance between us against the more authoritarian, non-Western countries like Russia and China. If trends continue, I think Europe will continue to depend on the United States for its defense. But if the European Union becomes more federated and invests more in its military strength, then will it start to distance itself from the US? Could it even view the US as an opponent rather than an ally? The current U.S. hegemony over the planet will come to end someday and the world will probably return to a more multipolar state. I’m just curious to see if the EU continues to side with the US or moves perhaps towards China (I doubt it would move toward Russia).

  10. I see Scotland splitting off from the UK, rejoining the EU and somehow forging closer relations with the United States than the UK all while being led by a person whose ancestry is of a former British colony, in a hilarious and predictable turn of events.

  11. The UK post-Brexit has decided on close cooperation and ties with the US. The French and the Germans will continue to jockey for control over the EU but I don’t know how well they will adapt to a much more mercantile world with a rapidly aging population. The former Warsaw pact countries of NATO will try to maintain good relationships with the US so long as the Russian bear stays dangerous. It’s going to be a rough half century for Europe I’m afraid, even if they can get their houses in order. I probably listen to too much Zeihan, tho’.

  12. I think it’ll be about the same as today, we’ll generally be close but differ with countries like France and Germany on finer points. NATO will probably still exist unless some idiot fucks it up like Trump almost did (not entirely unlikely).

  13. It depends on beating Russia down to the point where they won’t be able to try anything for another century, if the Chinese want to fuck around and find out, and who controls the government within that time frame.

  14. I expect the EU to function more like a single nation to the point where diplomatically we treat it like a single country.

  15. It would be interesting for you to ask this same question on r/Europe.

    I predict many sneering and insulting responses.

  16. For some maybe it will be stronger, but I can see with some I wouldn’t be surprised if we see war within the next five or ten if things continue the way they are.

  17. I am fine with Europe and Europeans. We share democratic values, albeit in different ways sometimes, but I believe we should only grow our economic and political cooperation. I’m not sure what most Europeans think of us, though, I have seen many positive posts in the European reddit from Baltic state citizens about America. I believe the relationship between America and Europe will continue to grow, especially if more social and economic cooperation starts to happen.

  18. Entirely depends on if Europe will need our “help” again 😉

    I see no real reason much will change, for better or worse.

    The only countries I really think about are Germany, the UK and France. Just because they’re usually in the news more. I hear countries like Spain and Italy aren’t doing so well (GDP and relative wise) but you never really know what is sensational and what is actually important, so I tend to ignore a lot of news.

  19. The US is getting less white (European). I think that as the US population evolves away from white dominance, that the US will not look to Europe as much.

    Convincing a recent immigrant from Pakistan that the US has a Special Relationship with the UK is not easy.

    The US’s past was in Europe. I think its future is on the other coast.

  20. America may lose interest with Europeans in the coming years but it’ll be Europeans who cut the US off.

    With population demographics beginning to decline in Europe, they’ll face economic issues and may become desperate to find other avenues to boost their wealth. The US probably can’t remedy this and might not want to bail Europe out during certain crises (of which, there will be multiple).

    Naturally, there will be blame pinned against Americans by populist elements with Europe (of whom, will grow in the next few decades). I’d expect to see Germans push for the closure of American bases and try to put up tariffs and protections to protect themselves and the EU. France might be similar.

    Essentially, the notion of Americans liking Europeans more than the Europeans like Americans (exception being Eastern Europe) will become more of the norm than it currently is. America will still be America. Europe will shift and change, if only slightly.

    The US-UK will continue to work. NATO should still exist. It’s just….the US is going to be dealing with the bulk of the problems but likely won’t be getting much in return. And so, interest will decline and with declined interest, there won’t be much push back from either side of the Atlantic should Europe decide to go its own way.

    Iirc, the last time massive generational populace declines occurred in Europe….it was the early Dark Ages and it was the pre-Enlightenment period.

    And so, this is probably the ’embroyo’ stage of a Europe before it returns to being a Europe that conquers and colonizes again (whether itself or abroad).

  21. I always hope that the world becomes closer and relationships between nations stay warm and friendly.

  22. **oil**

    Since the whole Russia thing, I’ve noticed some American oil companies expanding. Actually 2 new natural gas companies just sort of appeared over night.

    I suspect American oil (and related products) will probably make its way to Europe. UK sort of has a “special relationship” with the usa, so they will probably see it first. Germany is having some energy issues, so they will probably be next in line.


    The usa is a major food producer, so I suspect we will probably see more uk and EU companies by gain and other foods from the usa.

    Iirc Ukraine made a lot of wheat and Russia made a lot of pot ash (used in fertilizer), so Europe will have to make this up somewhere and the usa is one of the biggest producers of grain…

    Depending on how bad it gets, ut may increase prices on both sides, so… that might not be good, but there would be more interaction between the the usa that is for sure.


    I know a while back the UK had some issues with usa food safety processes and they didn’t want to import chicken… I suspect that this will probably change in the next 50 years as power, grain, and meat prices continue to increase.

    If things get really spicy, I suspect the uk may end up relying on a little to much on the usa. If that happens, more usa companies will probably break into the UK due to “special agreements”. It may americanize the UK more than it is today. Of course we won’t see the results of this for some time, but with how things are the usa has some what Americanizes the world and we will probably see this continue with English speaking countries at the very least.

  23. Hopefully more distant and that the USA (both government and general public) finally get their heads out of their asses and treat europe (especially western europe) as the fair weather allies of convenience they should have always been treated as.

  24. Broadly speaking, the US will continue to play a large role in the democratic world order, including Europe.

    Serbian relations will eventually normalize as they move beyond their nations dream and grow past the scars of the balkan wars.

    Russian relations will continue to sour either until regime change occurs (in either nation) or until the end of the world.

    Poland is growing stronger rapidly, and may lead a faction of illiberal democracies in some defiance of the US. This will strain relations.

    Ukraine is highly contingent on the outcome of this war. A small win would probably see improved relations, but with some resentment that the US didn’t fully commit. A large win would make us the best of friends, assuming the world is still here post massive Russian loss. Any loss would blow back in the face of the US, jeopardizing its role as primary security guarantor of democracy. Ukrainians would probably be very upset that we delayed support long enough for them to let the Russians get an upper hand.

    The UK will drift into orbit around the US in order to escape the EU. There will be a lot of pressure to give up northern Ireland to resolve the Brexit border issue, but it will be resolved somehow definitely within 50 years.

    I cant see anything worth mentioning for France or Germany that we could foresee at this time.

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