Like every single time I’m in a line somewhere, the person behind me will get like super close to me as I’m putting my wallet back in my bag and such. Is this like the new normal or something? How can I get people to stop doing this

  1. Take a small step back casually and try to step on their foot. Say sorry and they will automatically stand a little back lol. Or bump onto them while shuffling through your pockets or something. They will give you a little space.

  2. I hate this! I, too, would like a solution for this! Especially when I need to put in my debit card pin or something-step back people!

  3. Throw an elbow. If they’re creeping up on you while you’re putting your wallet in your bag then you should assume they have nefarious plans. Ask them to step back and if they don’t step towards them. Of course you’ll also want to be prepared for conflict with this advice.

  4. Act is if you are worried about them robbing your backpack (like giving them side eyes and putting your hands over your bag as if guarding them), and make sure they see you do this. Naturally when they see you thinking they are a robber, they will keep their distance from you

  5. Wear a boatload of perfume or cologne. Actually you can tell where someone is from by how close they stand to you. City people are used to tight quarters and don’t realize that they are doing it. Think Subway. I am in NH. Our lines go out the door because everyone puts five feet between each other. Perhaps move here.

  6. Omg I deal with this everyday at my schools lunch line. Some don’t understand that scooting closer won’t make the line move faster lol. I usually flip my hair or do a fake cough or sneeze and that usually works. You can also politely ask them to back up as well.

  7. Start flailing your arms and just take up space. Shuffle your feet around.

  8. Oh, this is easy. You just make eye contact, almost a glare and do so casually until they slowly back away. I do this a lot. I don’t intend to be rude but I get anxious when people are right on me like that and it works

  9. It’s easy. Turn around, act startled, tell them you don’t feel well and you’d appreciate the space. (Cough a little if necessary.)

  10. One time, this couple were doing this to me in an airport lineup so I’d just stretch out my arms and twist my upper torso and smacked them with my elbows , i turned around and apologized and said i didn’t realize you were standing so close to me.

  11. This REALLY bothers me as well!! I don’t know if you shop with a cart like I do, but I use my cart or basket to create space between me and the other shopper. Place it as far back as you’d like.

  12. Ugh, I HATE THAT! Like practically spooning with me is going to make the line in front of me move faster or something… I give the person in front of me ample space and make it really obvious to the one invading mine, but they very often don’t take the hint.

    People do it in restaurants and on the bus, too. Plenty of open seats, but they have to sit right on the nearest other person (me). Like really, why?? That’s not impatience. What IS that??

  13. Why not ask them politely to please give you a little space? I understand people are a little risky these days but one reason is because people don’t confront their idiot behaviors. Once confronted, even politely, most will fumble an excuse and do as they’re asked. Don’t be afraid to assert yourself, they aren’t.

  14. I’ll pull out my Pack of Smokes and light one if the line is outside.

    Someone may ask, “Do you mind not doing that?”

    I’ll reply with, “You can move if you don’t want my 2nd hand Smoke.”

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