What was your moment of sudden and great revelation or realization about?

  1. The first time I took ecstasy. I’d been extremely anti-drugs, never even touched a cigarette up to that point. I had a night that literally saved my life that night, the only reason I had any at all was because I thought “I don’t care if this kills me”. The overwhelming message from that moment was that I’d been lied to my entire life by the system I’d been born into. Changed the way I approached everything, had my first acid trip and then resolved a lot of deep down shit within myself. I let go of everything holding me down and I’ve not been the same since, in a very good way.

  2. The idea that life has no meaning because we live in a godless, uncaring universe is a wrong perspective. We don’t live in the universe, we live as the universe. We aren’t separate from the universe. We are an emergent property of the universe. We are the consciousness of the universe. We are the meaning in the universe. We are the way the universe cares. We are the universe contemplating itself. We, in fact, do live in a conscious, meaningful, caring universe because we exist as those features of the universe.

    This perspective shift struck me one day and it completely changed the way I see things. It was like looking at one of those illusion images that make no sense and then suddenly you see the illusion and it snaps into place. You can’t not see it from that point on.

  3. That a lot of miscommunication between men and women is because men largely communicate overtly, whereas women communicate covertly. Expecting a woman to communicate overtly isn’t going to happen unless she’s autistic. Woman usually mean something different than the literal words they say, and once you understand that, dating becomes an order of magnitude easier.

    No I don’t have examples.

  4. “Wow, I really need to get my shit together because I’m not functioning.”

    Changed my life.

  5. Was talking to this girl I really like, she sent me some pics of her Halloween costume at the party she was going to.

    I was trying to figure out what the hell was up with me for the past few weeks and all of the sudden it hit me, hard.

    I love this woman.

  6. Most things in america is a scam. There is no actual caring in America. Its just about your money and how to legally take it from you.

  7. That I was running out of time to fix myself and my life if I wanted to be as happy as possible.

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