For the uninitiated, local non-reality puts forth that particles do not have a “true” defined state that is “revealed” by the waveform collapse, but their state is randomly decided at the moment of collapse.

  1. I wouldn’t care about this. It’s irrelevant to our life in every possible way, doesn’t indicate any issue with their ethics, intelligence, or anything like that, and harms no one, so their opinion on that matters exactly fuck all to me.

  2. I’d think they’d taken too many psychedelics and wait until they sobered up

  3. (Yes, this is meant to be a light-hearted question about some of the silly relationship questions here.)

  4. I would not know what the hell they were talking about and would ask for an explanatory PowerPoint presentation

  5. Yeah, this is not something relevant enough to me to create a big deal about it or to have to deal with…

  6. “Okay, babe. I bet there’s a subreddit for that where you could have some neat conversations, you want me to look?”

  7. I would be thrilled that someone in my life wants to actually talk about this!

  8. If my partner told me they don’t believe in the local non-reality of the universe, and opted instead for hidden variable theory, local or universal, I would be very surprised and curious about their reasons. I would try to understand their perspective and explain mine, using examples from quantum experiments and theoretical arguments. I would respect their choice of interpretation, but I would also challenge them to provide empirical evidence or logical consistency for their preferred view.

    TLDR: I would hope that we could have a constructive and respectful dialogue about any topic, without letting it affect our relationship negatively, by respecting the time, place, and feelings.

  9. i would ask for an explanation of what any of that just meant, and then choose accordingly once i understand

  10. I’d ask them to defend their argument. And then we can watch Brian Greene lectures together bc I’m always trying to learn more about this & my mind never seems to fully retain it.

  11. Immediate break up!

    JK ….it would actually be me initiating this conversation because I love to listen to podcasts about quantum physics to calm down for the night.

  12. I’d say ‘OK love’ cos that is exactly the sort of thing my husband with a physics degree would say. Then I’d ask him to explain lightyears to me again cos I’m a biologist and lightyears do not compute in my brain.

  13. I’d say: *Give me whatever mushrooms 🍄 you’re tripping on. I need them for my salad.*

  14. Do you mean if my partner essentially told me they believed in the multiverse? It would be an interesting discussion.

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