Ok. So I got some great advice, and I figured I would give everyone an update and clarify a few things because it will come into play.

I know I said this in the comments, but I will reiterate here. When I picked her up I saw that she was underweight and had bruises on her face and neck. Clearly strangulation marks on her neck and she had been punched in the face. I immediately took her to a walk in clinic. I wanted her checked for head trauma, I wanted to make sure she was ok, no broken bones or head traumas etc, I wanted DRs advice on getting her back up to a healthy weight (Which foods to eat which to avoid refeeding syndrome etc) The DR told me her BMI was 15. Not good but not requiring immediate hospitalizations or anything that would be 12 and under. I also wanted all of her injuries documented. I also got pictures. the DR gave me advice on how best to get her up to weight without her feeling sick. I asked my daughter if she wanted to file a police report and press charges. I wanted this she did not. I didnt push it but I kept the medical records from the Drs visit.

I got her home and for the first week I was careful about what I was feeding her and how much so we could get her healthy again without making her sick. I feel bad about it now because after I put my original post up my daughter opened up to me about what he did and put her through. One of the things he would do is watch what she was eating and how much. He would constantly warn her about “getting fat and not being attractive anymore” I now feel a bit bad because when she got home, I too was monitoring what she was eating at first. I know its for different reasons, but it still makes me feel bad.

Anyways on to the update part of things. She did finally write down everything that he did to her. I tool a copy of this and put it with her medical files in case she ever decided to press charges later. I took her to her therapist’s appointment, and he recommended what many of you did a specialist. He had the name of a domestic abuse specialist who was also a woman. We are keeping him on for me and as counseling for the two of us. I try to be a good father but there were cracks in our relationship he was able to exploit to turn her against me. There were things I did wrong after my wifes death and things we need to address and also to just get help with helping her recover. Shes now seeing a domestic abuse specialist.

As for the sleep thing well, I had a talk with her and the therapist about it and we came up with a plan utilizing many of the recommendations mentioned on the last thread and we are all comfortable with the solution we have come up with. I don’t want to get to much into what he did to her. Thats her story to tell. But he did utilize sleep deprivation, she told me he would make these “jokes” about how easy it would be for him to kill her in her sleep. he would joke like this all the time and then laugh about it. She repeatedly asked him to stop but he didn’t. I only mention it because people mentioned he might have done things to make her scared to sleep and well that was…one of them. I don’t want to repeat the others. Those are too personal.

I took a leave of absence from work so I could be home with her. I prepared my weapons and got a ring cam to monitor the door. he did not give up on her easily. While she had blocked his number and social media profiles, he would repeatedly create false profiles or use burner phones to continue to harass her. At one point i did take the phone from her when he had called her and told him not to show up here or i would…well you know. That was not enough. About 2 weeks after this post went up he showed up. I saw him on the ring cam I had installed and called the police to have him removed. I told him from the door to leave and if he walked inside, it would be the last thing he ever did. Instead, the police cam and removed him. But they did little else but get rid of him. Without a protective order or my daughter filing domestic abuse charges the most they could really do was tell him to get off my lawn basically.

This was the wake up call my daughter needed though. She decided to press charges after he showed up. I retained a lawyer to help us through this. I gave the lawyer the advice I had accumulated, and he spoke to the DA and police and helped have the charges filed, and the restraining order issued honestly, I’m not sure what went on there, but people let me tell you, Lawyers are your friend if you need to navigate \*ANYTHING\* in the legal system, even if you are not a defendant.

So that brings us too now. We’re moving forward in the legal system now to press charges. We have a protective order; she’s recovered more or less physically but emotionally it’s going to be a while. I’m in therapy, shes in therapy and we’re in therapy together (Yes lets of therapy). She is sleeping in her own bed when she feels up to it but she still has nightmares and nights where she feels comforted to be close to me. We are comfortable with the arrangements we’ve made here and have drawn up a plan with her her therapist to get her back into her own room and bed.

I feel bad about the feeding no. I had monitored her food intake before I knew he had been watching how she ate like that. I also feel like I failed to prepare her for someone like that.

Too everyone who responded to my first thread thank you (to most of you)

  1. Thank you for being there for her. A lot of victims don’t get the kind of support you’re giving her. Good luck going forward!

  2. You are doing a goddamn stellar job at dadding right now OP. I’m so thankful that your daughter has you in her corner. Sending you two well wishes, and the ex very very unwell wishes.

  3. # Just wanted to say THANK YOU, DAD!

    # Hang in there, daughter!

    # Internet strangers are rooting for you both to have a complete recovery and a fantastic future as a family!!!

  4. Something that helped me a lot is when I have night terrors I take prazosin for my horrific nightmares. I still have them and some doozy ones sometimes but it dulls it a lot. when these dreams happen it’s terrifying and you wake up feeling like someone had a gun to your head. The adrenaline is insane. Help make a routine. Good sleep hygiene take a warm shower before bed and have tea. Something that also helped is just waking up my partner and having a hug. But definitely talk to a dr about sleep help

  5. 💐🌷👏 you are a good father sir, well done for being there now to pickup the pieces and working on healingand❤️🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

  6. You were doing your best with the information you had, don’t be too hard on yourself about it. As for the “not preparing her” have some grace with yourself. People with strained or toxic relationships can make easier victims, but the blame falls squarely on the abuser. This isn’t your fault, nor is it hers.

    I’m proud of her for gaining the strength to press charges and you did a wonderful job of documenting everything in the case she chose to. It’s obvious you love and want the best for her and that she trusts you and sees you as a safe space. Stuff like this can take a long time to work through and it’s great that you two have individual and family therapy to try and help the healing process.

    Keep being a wonderful dad and I’m sending lots of love and good wishes to your daughter, may she continue to heal and work towards a healthier and happier life. It can be incredibly hard to ask for help or open up about abuse, so thank you for being there and showing that she has support and love. <3

  7. You are an amazing dad and your daughter is very brave.

    She will be ok.

    You are going to make mistakes (not really mistakes, more like less desirable choices), please don’t feel bad. You are doing all the right things and you’re doing your best. That’s all your daughter needs from you.

    Please give her a hug from me 💗

  8. Hi, hope youre going well all considering

    Im a little confused by your title because you say “uncomfortably” and then at the end “we’re comfortable with the arrangements”

    You sound like youre doing an awesome job and im sure you yourself have been dealt so much stress. It is okay for you to have boundaries, the example of and reinforcement of your boundaries will be a healthy example for her to understand and regain trust and confidence

    Remind her “no one will hurt you. You can lock yourself up in here and get cozy and i will be right in the next room. You need sleep, and if I move I dont want to startle you. You need undisturbed peace”

  9. Man your daughter is so lucky to have a father like you. Please keep it up. If we had more fathers like, so many women could be saved from abuse.

  10. In this moment, right now, you are *the best dad* ever. You showed up for her when it mattered, did your dad thing, and knocked it out of the park. We are *all* on this earth to learn, especially from ourselves and experiences. My mom had me young and messed up a lot, but every day she is learning from her mistakes to be a better mom for me and I see that. Let go of those feelings of guilt and focus on going forward. Because you *are* a *great* dad.

  11. What a terrible situation, but it sounds like you’re doing everything right to help her get through it. Sending good vibes your way!

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