I have been dating this girl for 4 months and I love her so much and she loves me too recently we broke up because she’s going to college and she planned it so that we could break up on may but I didn’t know how to react and I just felt like hanging up it felt like she just got with me to break up and I couldn’t deal with it in my mind so I just asked her if that was she wanted to do this whole time and I just felt anxious and I didn’t know what to do or say so I just said ok and goodnight. Later in class she said we should just break up now Instead and I still go to her house as more than friends but less than a couple she doesn’t kiss me or hug me or touch me but I give her massages and pet her and stuff and it’s been ok I love her and she loves me and we say it till this day

(this happened 3 days ago) I really just miss her touch I want her to hug me or do something like that for a very long minute. She stoped touching me less than usual before the break up and it was partly my fault for not asking the right things it’s my first relationship and I made the mistake of asking her for more secs (I have a very high drive) and she started feeling uncomfortable so we stopped and I haven’t really brought it up ever since but it’s gotten to the point where she won’t even touch me and I’ve tried to talk to her about it but when won’t even really tell me how she feels.

Ik she loves me but with no physical touch and no words of affirmation I just feel so sad and I hate myself for not knowing how to love her I always tell her how much I love her and buy her food and do stuff for her but it just doesn’t even feel like she cares but Ik she does what should I do? Should I just wait and be patient or confront her about it. It’s not even that I want her for her body Im just a very touchy person. She also told me about how sometimes she doesn’t like being touched and overwhelmed which is why I do all these stuff to make sure she feels loved even if it isn’t physical. But idk I just don’t feel that love back. Also sorry idk about punctuation and stuff I’m writing this at 4am

We’re breaking up and I love her we still hang out and I just wanna annoy my time with her while I still can what do I do?

  1. Sounds like it’s over, keep the memories, on your death bed, think of her and smile

  2. Why dont you just ask her. Why are we spending all this time & effort with each other and not banging?

    Hopefully her answer after being put on the spot will clear things up that she doesnt fancy you anymore. So you will put your time and attention towards the women that do actually want you.

  3. “…I made the mistake of asking her for more secs (I have a very high drive) and she started feeling uncomfortable so we stopped…”

    It sounds like you overwhelmed her with wanting sex all the time, so she doesn’t want to initiate cuddling, etc. because you might try to take it to sex again. You recognize the issue, but have you talked to her, acknowledged what you did, and apologized for pressuring her? Let her know that sex is off the table and maybe she’ll be more comfortable with you. Maybe it’s too late. Her withdrawal from physical contact is most likely directly related to the pressure you put on her. Take the lesson and be more aware of your partner’s feelings in the future. She also might be afraid of getting pregnant and ruining her plans for the future.

    And use the proper word “sex.” Made up words sound childish.

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