I have a question to men who are like above 35 or 40, how is life like without a partner? Do you ever feel insecure about dying alone in old age?

Or maybe there would be no one to attend your funeral ? ( Ok this one’s stupid, but I am just asking it anyways)

Do you ever feel envious of the people who are in a relationship, or you enjoy your solitude? Do you ever feel lonely?

What do you do when you are alone and get sick? How do you take care of yourself?

  1. Married life was fun, but so is single life. Take it from first hand experience, being happily married isn’t a guarantee of not dying alone; *one* of you is going to die first, whether that happens at 36 or 96.

    Sometimes it’s a bummer, yes, especially when I’m sick or injured or just don’t want to be alone at some event like a wedding. But I’ve also got lots of family and friends around and hobbies that keep me busy.

  2. It’s good & bad….. depending on the day

    I’m single & never married & no kids….

    It gets lonely….. but it’s also somewhat of a relief to only have to provide for myself, especially in today’s era with inflation & the cost of living…

  3. I (49m) am twice divorced and the last one was particularly rocky so I am enjoying the peace and quiet right now.

    I am not really worried about being alone. I’ve spent the majority of my adult life in relationships and likely to eventually be in another. Just no rush to get there. For all I know this could be the last time I get to spend this much time for myself, and trying to make the most of it before settling down again.

    These questions about health/sickness…I am approaching the best physical shape of my life. It’s not like I am some elderly invalid lol

  4. I spent my life chasing wealth. By the time I reached the stop point I was 40. All the women who were any good were married.

    I live fine. I don’t have to work and I order an escort every now and then in order to take care of my “needs”.

    And I don’t feel I will die alone. My brothers who stood beside me in the face of death will always be by my side. Until the time comes when I go to them. And once my time comes there will be no funeral. I’ve already arranged that. It’ll be as if I never existed. No one will remember me. And I feel fine knowing that

  5. As you get into your late 30’s, being a people pleaser is less and less appealing. You’re also discovering things about yourself that aren’t super clear to you in your twenties. Dating sucks just as much for us as it does for younger folks, but it’s less important to “be with someone” just to say you’re in a relationship. Your sex drive changes a bit in your 30’s and into your 40’s and, while women in their twenties are still attractive to you, the lack of common ground and life experience becomes a focus and there’s less attraction if you’re craving someone stable.

    This isn’t everyone, btw. Just a general broad brush.

  6. Imagine living through only your expectations and not having to worry about another persons needs!/opinions.

    Now imagine not having kids or their friends or their friends parents that you have to hangout with for two dedcades plus and can actually choose yourself who you want to spend time with.

    No long-term relationship also means youncannpick up and move your life as you so please or use your expendable income on that dream you aspired for that you can accomplish.

    You’re notnaging yourself constant stress and can still get laid every now and again as long as you’re not a complete asshole…. I wonder why anyone would want to be in a LTR or have kids.

  7. I’m 45 and married and let me just say from experience that just because you’re married doesn’t mean there aren’t times where you’re alone as fuck. There have been times in my marriage I’ve felt more alone sitting right next to my wife than I did when I was single. Things happen, people get depressed and withdraw or life simply gets too overwhelming for some people sometimes. And just one of us could die tomorrow or in 20 years from now. One of us is dying alone, it’s just a matter of who.

  8. I’m 35 and actively dating. Having a blast. 🤷‍♂️

    But to be honest, no matter your age, being single is better than being in a bad relationship.

  9. Got no plans on dying old. As for the funeral, don’t want one. When I visit my fathers grave, I look at many others and realize how quickly we are forgotten. Who really knows those people who died and were buried in the 1920s? I’m just ahead of the curve in that aspect.

    As for the other stuff. Nope, I knew what I was getting into doing this, it was my decision.

  10. I’m only 32 but everyone calls me “old man”

    If you have nothing else in your life for yourself (career, good hobbies etc) being old an alone it’s all very numbing.

  11. We all face death alone. Even if you are surrounded by people you are the one who closes your eyes and takes the ride.

  12. Honestly, it’s pretty great! I can geek out on whatever nonsense I find interesting, use money in whatever I find worthy and there’s absolutely no-one telling me what to do or not to do. I may be an outlier tho, since I very early realized that “Right, this is what family life is like then. It’s ok, but it doesn’t set my hair on fire, so Imma skip it and do something more interesting”.

  13. I will only marry my SO and that’s it. I might have g/fs or partners in the future but only the one wife. I’ll get a tattood wedding band.

    I would probably do the same now, drive myself to the hospital if I’m sick or injured. I don’t generally feel lonely, quite the contrary. Being alone was quite nice.

  14. Widowed at 60. Now at 63, have a GF. I do love the hermit lifestyle, but living alone gets wearing. You get to make the decisions, but you also have to do everything. I do worry as my family gets older and less close, that I will become someone they used to know.

  15. >I have a question to men who are like above 35 or 40, how is life like without a partner? Do you ever feel insecure about dying alone in old age?

    There’s a lot of time between now and old age. While I’m not in a bad place, I don’t think I’ll ever be an old man.

    >Or maybe there would be no one to attend your funeral ? ( Ok this one’s stupid, but I am just asking it anyways)

    I’ll be dead. I won’t have the wherewithal to survey who and who doesn’t attend my funeral.

    >Do you ever feel envious of the people who are in a relationship, or you enjoy your solitude? Do you ever feel lonely?

    Somewhat but I’m starting to realize that relationships come with issues that I’m not privy to. A relationship like that would require an emotional and financial investment and there’s no guarantee that I’ll see a return on that investment.

    >What do you do when you are alone and get sick? How do you take care of yourself?

    Are you insinuating that people involved would keep me from dying if I became sick?

  16. * I feel insecure about a lot of things, but dying alone vs not-alone isn’t one of them
    * Don’t care. I’d actually rather not have a funeral at all; hopefully I’ll have the foreknowledge and stones to go die in the wilds and let the scavengers take care of the corpse, not force some poor schmucks to handle it, and other poor schmucks to pay them.
    * Yes to all three. But the way I’ve developed, I believe I’m best left to myself.
    * Not very well at all.

  17. Not quite your target group but, I don’t give a shit about dying alone. Dying in some elderly “care” facility would kinda suck tho. Hope I can keep myself in shape enough to die actually alone.

    Only thing that bugs me is that I don’t have sex.

  18. Opposite. If you are over 40 and you take care of yourself, are in shape, and have a stable financial life, all the prior romantic dynamics change. You can’t remain single for more than a week. Ladies won’t let you.

  19. 40, divorced. Sometimes when my mind is tired i get some feelings. But nothing that serious.

  20. I’m 35 and it’s been 10 years since my last serious relationship. It’s something I just don’t even have to think about now.

  21. I’m 68 with two adult kids.I was married for 30 years and really don’t miss it. I’ve dated a bit,but found it tiresome. I’ve been single for 15 years now and just really enjoy my autonomy.

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