since middle school i have always been that “friend”who people only talk too when someone else isn’t there or they need something, i remember once i was talking to a boy in my class who i thought was my friend and i thought the conversation was going really well until his friend which wasn’t mine came in late to class and when he noticed he left me and went over to talk to her. In my freshman year of highschool, i made absolutely not one friend, got made fun of this caused me to switch to online school. I never understood why i’ve always tried to be really kind and even a people a pleaser i wish i was extroverted, but i’m not even though i try im very shy and at work one of my coworkers insults me & even pushed me and i didn’t say anything, i feel so stupid i just want people to like me :(How do i get people to like me and respect me?

  1. I agree. you are a loser, so what are you gonna do about it ? You can keep crying and feel sorry for yourself or…
    that’s what I said to myself when I felt like a loser. Since then, I’ve become a person who doesn’t give a fuck about anyone, and it works with me.
    believe me, you are the only one who can change the way that you look to yourself .
    keep working on yourself and accept your flaws, and always always remember ( fuck people ).

  2. I think the way you talk to yourself does affect the way you interact with others and how you are perceived. If you tell yourself you are a loser and insult yourself in your head, you’ll loose self confidence and that will make others more likely to ignore you or treat you badly. Try a more positive internal dialogue with yourself, find small things about yourself that might be likable and try to build up from there. Respect yourself first and others will treat you with more respect as well. You got this!

  3. Might as well be that you can’t get/make people to like and respect you. That’s just the way people are wired.

    What you can do is be the kind of person that people like and respect, which means you have to emphasize your best qualities like having integrity and discretion, and rid yourself of your worst qualities like validation-seeking, being judgmental, and compromising your principles, and preferences.

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