My ex has a plethora of physical/emotional issues. She has CF, diabetes, depression, severe OCD, and body dysmorphia.

We dated for 2 months and in the beginning, she love bombed me. Excessive displays of affection in public(groping, kissing) and trusted to carpool with me on the 2nd date.

She loves sexting and made me feel like a prude for not indulging in it, so I started doing it to appease her. She wanted me to send a dick pic but I don’t trust anyone enough to do that. She once freaked out on me because she felt I pressured her for sex(she was going to give oral and I pushed for PIV) I apologized as even I felt I was out of line and 2 weeks later, she violates a boundary during sex. She also managed to body shame me(thought I was too thin, criticize my hair) and gaslight me.

A week and a half before she calls it off, she starts becoming distant, non-commital, and giving brief text messages after texting whole paragraphs before.

I’m an introverted non touchy-feely guy and she complained that I wasn’t showing her affection. When I really start displaying it she seemed to pull away and make me feel like a creep.

Is she a manipulator?

1 comment
  1. I’m going to be extra charitable here and go on a limp, she might not be a Manipulator but just a person with lack of consciousness, I still would recommend you not to pursue.

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