Title. Would you leave immediately without giving a reason, would you stay, would you leave and explain why you’re leaving?

I haven’t had this happen to me but I’m curious how people would handle the situation.

I would explain that this was for the two of us and if you feel unsafe around me then it’s better I just leave.

Edit: I should clarify that this is for a first date.

  1. To be honest I would stay out of curiosity of how the date was going to go. Worse case scenario you get a funny story you can tell your friends

  2. As a woman, if I was meeting a guy for a first date and he brought his friend, I’d probably find a moment to pull him aside and ask privately what was going on. If the vibe seems off, as a woman I’d worry about my safety with two men I don’t know. I’d politely excuse myself quickly.

    If I was the 3rd wheel on a first date with one of my female friends, I’d assume she either wasn’t into the guy or she wanted to get to know him but didn’t feel comfortable with him yet for some reason. But some girls who are just trying to get a free meal & drinks may be trying to ‘share the wealth.’

    Btw OP, just assuming you’re a straight male, if this happens to you it *might* not be about YOU. Ask her what’s up before making it about you personally and leaving.

    I know girls who’ve experienced some *really bad shit* dating but they want to keep trying to find their person and just feel safer with a friend nearby. (Ideally not AT the date though. That part’s kind of odd.) You might have gone on dates already where she had a friend in the restaurant, in the movie theater, at the bar, you just didn’t know about.

    Hope this helps!

  3. Bit odd.. perhaps roll with it if they both seem friendly. If it seems a bit sketchy or like it’s some kinda joke.. I’m out 🏃‍♂

  4. I’d still go through with it on the condition that the friend sits at her own table. And doesn’t bother us. I get it you’re overprotective but she’s not your daughter. They’re usually fat and ugly too. Jesus I hate when that happens

  5. I don’t know. I guess I would end it, but I definitely wouldn’t pay.

    I know there are some weirdos around but when you can’t afford to meet someone alone, then you shouldn’t do online-dating.

    What is this when there is no trust, even at the beginning? Just choose a place with many peoples like a mall or a local bar if you’re afraid. And if that’s not an option for you, then don’t meet.

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