I have 2 weeks until my test and to rebook would take 6 months or more, so that’s not an option if i wanted to rebook and go with another instructor. A lot of the first driving schools I called were fully booked and when I found that had availability I hastily booked 10 hrs. Now I am stuck with him.

Okay, some background. I have failed my test 4 times before and had countless lesson with numerous instructors. So when this guy came along I thought ” okay, he’s a bit weird and different, but a different approach will help” and it did at first. The guy gets frustrated when I make the same mistakes, but I thought ” okay, this is a little bit unprofessional, but I guess it’s better that the ones who do nothing and seem to just want to pass nice and get paid for nothing.

The problem is, we have been doing the same thing i.e. roundabouts and motorway etc… Which are admittedly are my weak points but, I don’t know, I’m rambling, I’m panicking because the time is getting near and I have put faith in this dudes weird different approach where in the past I used to dictate what was done like ” today lest some mock test, or let’s do this” whereas here I’m here ” I’m like ok so what shall we do today” Maybe he’s really good with just different approach…fuck, I don’t know until the after the test , at which It’s too late.

  1. I mean, I don’t know if stating the obvious here but just get a new instructor?

  2. I’m guessing it’s nonrefundable? You might not be stuck if you ask the driving school.

    Your test is in 2 weeks, try to focus on that. Do you have any other experienced driver that can be in the car and let you practice?

    You’re probably better than you think! Don’t stress.

  3. A good instructor should be having you concentrate on your weak points which it sounds like he’s doing.

    I think it’s just human to be frustrated if you’re making the same mistakes over and over, right?These are probably the same mistakes that failed you 4 times?

    Since you have limited time left before the test, I would just do whatever this guy says and hope for the best. I found it helped me to watch YouTube videos of mock tests or lessons about the skills I was struggling with. And I did whatever my instructor recommended. Worked for me. Stay calm and you can do this. Good luck!

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