Just for the sake of simplicity, I’ll be calling this person “Ava”.

So for context, me and Ava had been friends for around 5 and a half months and we were pretty good friends. We both had similar interests (specifically KPOP and dramas), we both had similar personalities and hung out almost everyday at school. Some of my other friends had begun shipping me and Ava together saying we were cute together and a perfect match. A lot of the time I told them I was uncomfortable and didn’t appreciate being shipped, though I did also sometimes say how I didn’t want to answer (which was a mistake on my part, I should’ve just consistently shut it down and it may have been seen as me stirring things up as I will get into later into the post)

This had been going on for a bit of time. A few days ago, Ava came up to me and wanted to talk to me about this, saying she had only found out and felt really upset I didn’t tell her and how I had broken her trust. I had no idea this would upset Ava, and I immediately felt really guilty when she started expressing her view. I immediately apologised for hurting her and making her upset and then asked if she wanted some space from me (To which she did, and we stopped talking for a while).

She then texted me, saying how I was actually encouraging it and stirring it all up according to some friend of mine which wasn’t completely true as I mentionned (I still don’t know who this friend is, even when asking who’s saying that kind of stuff). She then told me how I making it out that I was insanely close to her, soulmates, we started dating, etc. When I told her that’s not true, and told her what I actually said. Granted, I understand why she may not have believed me instantly as I had broken her trust earlier on.

The weekend passed and I spoke about the incident to two of my friends who had witnessed the confrontation between me and Ava as I wanted some advice on how I should go forward with our friendship, and they both said it would be better to wait a couple of weeks and talk with her irl after that time period is over (I did say how I was not trying to victmise myself or villanise her as it was solely my fault on what I did and she had done nothing wrong, I said how I really don’t want or mean to upset anyone and I felt bad because of that, I said I understood why she was spacing herself from me and I respected her choice, I asked how to make it up and rebuild our friendship, etc etc. I was trying to give both contexts as neutrally as possible).

Today, she then sent me lots of texts messages. She was very angry and said how I was victimising myself and trying to twist the whole situation onto me for people to gain sympathy onto me, and how I wasn’t thinking of her and saying it was wrong of me to feel bad because she was hurt, and how I didn’t understand why she was distancing herself from me. She ended the friendship and had blocked me.

Right now I don’t know what to do. It’s clear I should move on, but it’s hard too when you’ve been friends with someone and hung out with them frequently. Any advice for what I should do in the future to avoid a situation like this occurring? Or any opinions on the situation? Thank you

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