But my ( 28f) husband (33 m) telling my life story to strangers is just fucking infuriating.

Tldr: Husband tells really personal shit about my life casually to a complete stranger

We are in a parking lot of a popular store local to us, notice a neighbor of ours that we have never met outside of waving hi when we go to take the trash out or get the mail, get into a casual conversation and my husband just starts blabbing seriously personal information to what is basically a complete stranger to us.

My estrangement to my family, their history of addiction, the complications of my ethnicity ( I look white because my mom’s white but I was raised by a family member who is mixed) just a bunch of shit that takes way too long to explain so while I’m trying to tip toe around this stuff in a casual and non personal way my husband’s just over here calling out my shit and making me out to be a liar. I feel like he does this on purpose but if I were to do the same to him he would freak the fuck out about it. I’m just really angry and confused and now my neighbor probably thinks we are weird and I want to bury my head in the dirt and dissappear forever because he doesn’t know when to just shut the fuck up.

Why? Can someone explain to me why he thought this was okay? I tried to talk to him about it but all I get in response was ” sorry I won’t talk to anyone anymore”

Note: this isn’t the first time he’s done this. The last time was to my new Dr as I was setting up care and he just started blabbing off about stuff that had nothing to do with my medical history or relevant in any way. W. T F?!?!

  1. His response is toxic and borderline abusive. You two should discuss the concept of what is personal and private and what is okay to share. If he isn’t willing to have that conversation in a mature, adult way and come to actual reasonable agreements with you, then I strongly suspect there is a lot more wrong in your relationship than just this.

  2. Sounds like he doesn’t respect your privacy or boundaries at all. That’s not okay.

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