I need help. I’ve been seeing this guy for about a month now and I started to have suspicion and just a gut feeling that something was off. I found a bottle of pills at his house with another girls name on it. I do a little researching on social media and find out he has a very young child and potentially a fiancé. he is here working in the province I live in (Canada) for work and she lives in another province where he’s originally from. I don’t know what to do I’m so devastated by this.

We matched on a dating app so he has for sure talked to other women too and seen other women.

I found her on social media but I just get so nervous when I think about messaging her. I’ve obviously caught feelings for him so I just feel overwhelmed and upset.

I can’t confirm for sure If they are still together because the most recent pictures I saw of them online were from 2021-22. The pill bottle that was in his place was dated this year so i don’t know what to think.

He is going to be here working for at least 3-4 years so I just don’t understand why he would be in a committed relationship while he’s living out here? We talk every day so I can’t imagine she’s flying out here with the kid every week. Are they not engaged anymore? Just co parenting? I’m trying to think of what the situation could be.

I don’t want to message her and be like “hey I’m talking and sleeping with the father of your child” If they aren’t even together. Do I confront him first before making a move?

What do I do?!

  1. Ask him, and trust your gut.

    Personally, the fact that he wouldn’t mention any of this is a pretty massive red flag, and a clear indication that he’s comfortable with lying IMO

    I would just stop seeing him, but that’s me

  2. Why would a man be hiding a kid from you? Sounds like a dishonest person even if he is single

  3. I will show him proof and said what is this, if the bottle is there they are still togethee

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