Ok I 22f masturbate almost daily. Whenever I do I get to my peak and then just start uncontrollably shaking and at first I thought I was doing it just to pretend and act out – but figured out the shakes are actually uncontrollable once they start. I shake so hard that I have to stop for a second to recollect myself or just try to hold my body still. Often times I will shake/ tremble for hours after and it’s hard for me to even stand up without wobbling. It’s not that big of a deal for me, it’s hot to think that I just did that to myself but I worry when I do have a partner that he might fuck me so hard that I can’t even stand up to complete my day or that my shaking will just completely ruin the peak moment of sex for both of us.
Does anyone else experience this or do you have gfs/ wife’s that go through this?
Does it ever ruin the moment when your partner can’t stop frickin shaking around or gain composure?
Once I’m shaking I’m pretty much too overstimulated to continue and have to do a factory reset.

  1. This happens to me, it’s completely normal just means you had a strong orgasm. I think it’s a turn on for guys if anything, shows you’re having a good time. I think the shaking after is caused by a lack of iron or food because that used to happen to me too before I started eating more healthily

  2. Yes most men would find that extremely erotic and a boost to tbejr confidence so it’s unlikely they would find it bothersome or something that would ruin the experience, if anything it would enhance it

  3. I think if a women did this I would be incredibly turned on… might actually cum instantly lmao

  4. My girlfriend shakes like this when she has what we call the “big one”. It’s INCREDIBLY HOT to me, and it makes me proud that I can get her to this state. She usually will have a bunch of medium orgasms, but it can take 30 minutes to 2 hours to reach the “big one.” She will shake, uncontrollably for up to an hour or so afterwards. It drives her nuts because she can’t stop, but enjoys the process in the end. I think you are lucky to be able to reach that level of orgasm. Some women can’t, and of they do, not all of them can have the FULL BODY type.

  5. Also, it doesn’t ruin the moment, but it can delay things, as she can’t participate until it subsides. I’d say embrace it!

  6. I dated a girl like this for a lil while. The shaking is definitely a turn on. I felt like a god…I wonder what she’s up to lately…

  7. It drives my partner absolutely insane with attraction and being just turned on by my shaking. He loves to see it, hell he’s happy to carry me around when my legs are shaking so hard post-sex I can barely walk to the bathroom. Just let your body do what feels good and naturally!

  8. Idk why I thought this was normal for women. I practically convulse when I orgasm, even when I get close too.

    It usually passes almost immediately after I orgasm though. Sometimes it takes a few minutes, I find regulating my breathing as best as I can helps.

  9. You might want to check your blood sugar and iron levels, and see if you’re on the low side for any of them. Also check your caffeine intake if you drink tea, coffee, or any caffeinated drinks.

  10. I shake too , or rather have full body convulsions . It annoys me . The best I can describe it is that it’s full body orgasm . It feels great, but I get self conscience about it

  11. Might be adrenaline. You might get major adrenaline rush when you cum, then adrenaline still in your system for a while after. It affects people in different ways, but uncontrollable shaking is definitely one way adrenaline rush can affect you.

    As far as from guys perspective, yeah, totally hot. Any reaction you get from cumming usually is

  12. Just making stuff up here but you may be depleting your dopamine with the orgasm and getting something similar to temporary parkinsons (which occurs due to low levels of dopamine in the area of the brain that facilitates movement. Without sufficient dopamine, the brain is unable to transmit signals to correctly coordinate movement.)

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