What’s something you’ll never settle for ?

  1. Flaky friends.

    Life is too short to get stood up by people who don’t care about your time.

  2. Poor treatment from others in friendship and romance. I would love to extend that to work as well but it might be the one area I have to flex on.

  3. A relationship. I see this too much. People settle so that they don’t have to be alone

  4. A relationship with my parents for the sake of having parents.

    Everyone has things about their parents that are annoying and I get that. If it were only that, I would be more than happy to compromise as best I could to maintain happy, healthy links with them.

    However, mine have opted to shun me for leaving their sectarian faith and dating a non-believer. Not just the casual cold shoulder but full blown NO contact, pretending I don’t exist, refusing to meet my boyfriend, giving money to the rest of my siblings in an obvious manner, and cancelling me completely out of family events.

    It isn’t worth clinging to them like a needy child. This is what I started doing right after I left the church group, and I was incredibly depressed and faced some serious health challenges (that they told me were my own fault and a ‘sign’ of my willful disobedience).

    They want me to grovel and come back to “the fold”, and they believe – based on scripture – that it will work if they cut me off.

    However, I have only come to realize that the unconditional love I THOUGHT I had from them was in fact, very very conditionally given.

    I have opted to create a new family instead. The door is open for them to reconcile with me and I continue to make the efforts to wish them merry christmas, happy birthday and check in on them when they have health difficulties despite the fact there is no hope of recieving any response other than a thumbs up emoji.

    I do not consider them to be loving parents at this point and it would be disrespectful to prioritize them over the other people in my life who have put in the time to be my adoptive family.

  5. Being with a man who cheats or is a womanizer in general just for the sake of being in a relationship. I’d rather be alone.

  6. A Dodge Viper Coupe.

    It is my dream car. I want it to be brand new, only miles on it are the ones I put on it so if something needs to be tested…I will do it. Black cherry red with a v12 engine. No one but my approved people (and me) will be allowed to touch it and the ones building it will have to wear gloves at all times when they are working on it.

    It is the only thing I will never settle on and it is the only hill I will die on.

  7. Cheap pantyhose/tights. Crummy tires.

    L’eggs had the one screw up in 20+ years and sent me opaque tights instead of the sheers I wanted. Horrible miserable tights. Bad to wear and not at all pretty to look at. Why do they even make these things? Just bad all around.

    Tires is another. I recently purchased a 2021 Toyota Highlander w/20k miles on it. OEM tires were complete shit, just bad bad bad bad. $1k for new ones but way better than the “old”ones. 20k miles on them and knackered.

  8. Being with a partner who is mean. Puts down my hobbies and taste in media, makes “harmless jokes” that imply something is wrong with me, doesn’t consider my needs, is selfish in the bedroom, doesn’t show interest in my life. My partner is the nicest person I’ve ever been with, he absolutely spoils me (not with gifts, but with kind words and attention) and it’s made me realize I’ll never settle for less.

  9. Another minimum wage job – that shit was terrible and even more unlivable after recent inflation.

  10. Most recently bad kissers or just bad at sex in general. I’ve kicked a few people out of my bed recently for just being awful and i will never be going to back to gritting my teeth and bearing for bad sex. Im not expecting great sex every time but if my enjoyment isnt even considered im out.

    My parents. They refuse to be less homophobic/transphobic or apologize and im not going to come crawling back to them until they care enough to seriously put some effort into changing. They can die alone and miserable for all i care.

    Another situationship. Im done with these.

    Cheap instant ramen. New minimum is 1$ a pack. No longer buying the 50 cent stuff.

    Tardiness. You wanna spend time with me but not going to bother being there at the expected time? Ill leave. I have better thing to do than waste my time on someone that doesn’t respect me enough to show up on time. Have fun eating alone or whatever.

    Friends that cant get my name or pronouns right. Not really an issue anymore since ive already dumped all the old friends that couldn’t grasp it, but still worth mentioning.

    Life without at least one pet is no life at all.

  11. My husband is so incredibly kind, and we never fight! When I was younger I always thought it was normal to fight about dumb things, complain about each other, “most days we want to kill each other hahaha,” etc. My husband tells me he loves me ALL the time, and gives me compliments like it’s punctuation.

    I never realized it back then, but now if I were ever to date again (god forbid), I’d never settle for less.

  12. I will never settle with being with a man solely because of financial security. If my heart isn’t connecting it isn’t worth it.

  13. A man. If you are not going to enhance my life in any way, I don’t need you.

    Before people come at me, it goes both ways.

  14. Being taken for granted in a relationship and being “norm, just enough” instead of loved

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