Teenager things blah blah
So I (F high school) like this guy and we get to hang out soon.
I have been thinking about this for a while and I would genuinely like to try giving oral sex as I have never done so before, I’m just worried about how to get him erect.
I just need to know, what do guys my age like?
I’m not the most feminine person in the world, I have broad shoulders, AA cup, short hair etc.
However I have a cute skirt from Spencer’s and it makes my thighs look nice. He’s been my friend for a few years now, I moved a while ago so we can’t talk as much.
I just need to know, what gets bisexual guys erect?

  1. Literally just show up. He’ll already be erect just from the anticipation, I guarantee.

  2. This will depend on the bisexual guy in question. Wear what makes you feel confident and sexy and the way you feel about yourself will act like a magnet

  3. Honestly, don’t sweat that part. Teen guys get erect at a sneeze! But a cute outfit that makes you feel confident, show him a flash of your parts, put his hand on you, touch his stomach or thighs … any of those.

  4. Short skirt and thigh high socks works for me.

    As a teenager, any teen girl showing interest in me would get me hard.

  5. Ask or hint at it and see how he’s feeling about you giving him oral. Once you have his consent, it’s just about being confident with what you do.

  6. Most guys are ready by the time you get down there. Now a tip I can give you is to be careful with your teeth! I used too much teeth the first time and thankfully the guy was a trooper and waited till we were done to tell me lol. Just take your time and watch how he reacts and you should be ok. Also it takes time and practice, and some guys like different things so communicate is important!

  7. Start with your hand on his thigh, caress gently, let your hand find him, and gently caress it. If it’s not already hard, it won’t take long. Hes not going to mind if you decide to start with a bit of a HJ either.

  8. Only a few people have mentioned this but don’t try to start something without letting him know how you feel. It would be really awkward if you try something and he’s not into it.

    Other then that, don’t worry. I know that I would have loved if a girl would even mention they wanted to try something with me. I’m sure you’ll do great for your first time.

  9. Im sure that kissing him would be enough. If you dont want to then im sure the concept of female attention will be enough.

  10. Okay, there’s one thing I wish I had known when I was a teenager: as a female, you have SO much (sexual) power over these guys. Everyone saying “he’ll be erect just from you showing up” is correct.

    I remember when I was 18 and I got really wet with this guy, but I was worried he’d be grossed out if he knew that. Um, no. I know now he probably would have ejaculated if I told him how wet I was 😂

    Anything sexual you say or do, whether giving him head or just showing your boobs, is gonna blow his freakin mind.

    I’m hoping this bit of information gives you some confidence, ’cause I wish I had known this. I was so shy and insecure about myself as a teenager, when I genuinely had nothing to worry around. Boys (and men!) are pretty easy to please 😂

  11. Kissing or running your hand down their body to their penis also gets men horny…with a few guys i have been with kissing their neck has made them get hard.

    If you can i would recommend asking him what turns him on.

  12. As everyone said, teen boys get hard at a wink from a girl they like, so don’t worry about that. Just dress in a way that will make you feel confident. Don’t go straight for the dick, touch him a bit first, his face, neck, shoulders, chest, stomach, thighs and then finally the dick. By that time he will be up and ready to go. You can get down on your knees and unzip him while you watch him (that’s gonna be a priceless face and facial expressions), then without breaking eye contact take the dick in your hand and lick. Just start with licking first all over then suck the head for a while, then go down, down with your hand and mouth. Don’t use any teeth, make sure of that. You don’t have to put it too far in your throat, try as much as you can but you will see soon enough where your limit is. When you go down with your mouth your hand goes down too and applies a bit of pressure. When you go up hand goes up too. And from there just have fun with it. See how he reacts to the things you do and repeat those more. Don’t forget to maintain eye contact as much as you can, that’s gonna drive him crazy and it’s really hot for you too to see his reactions to what you’re doing. You don’t have to do it fast. Slower is better to start with but if you feel like your hand is getting tired or your jaw you can stop and continue with just the hand for a bit. Or speed up if you feel like you can’t anymore (although I don’t expect him to last long to be honest). When it comes to cumming see if you like swallowing if not no shame in spitting either.

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