Is it ever okay to approach a woman at the gym? If applicable, what signs might mean she would like you to approach her?

  1. I would say you need to know yourself. A lot of men on here think it’s okay to stare and talk to a women creepingly and all this stuff. I would guess it’s because they don’t have much Charisma and don’t know how to go about talking to women. I talk to women all the time and have never had an issue. Just don’t be desperate weird and if they don’t look interested walk away. If you can’t read body language then don’t try to hit on people in the gym. Or anywhere in public

  2. People go to the gym to workout. Sometimes, gyms will organize social gatherings for members to talk to each other. Or certain workout classes will have a period of time before and after where people tend to be social. Just be normal and friendly.

  3. I think there is a difference between talking to a woman and approaching/hitting on a woman. Talking is fine – be social, friendly, etc. IF (AND ONLY IF) you get a signal that she may be interested, maybe ask to get a coffee, drink, etc.

    But don’t blatantly hit on a woman. It should be a safe space!

    And if she has headphones on and is in the zone, don’t be an ass and approach.

  4. IMO I wouldn’t bother. People go to the gym to better themselves and work out, not socialize. Even as I guy I prefer no one to talk to me.

    Be extra careful though because many Tiktok people with tripods trying to record their workouts.
    My brother saw a girl with one and it pissed him off.

  5. The only time it would be normal would be if you know them already, you’re asking for help, or you have a general question. Acceptable is just all about treating them with respect.

  6. Yes, if a bitch is doing anything except squats in the squat rack she needs to be promptly told to fuck off.

  7. Generally not a good idea. It is only ok to approach a woman in the gym when she wants you to approach. The hard part is figuring that out.

  8. It’s fine. Don’t approach her if she has ear buds in and cut the conversation short if she only gives you one word answers and doesn’t try to keep talking to you. If she doesn’t make eye contact, if she doesn’t turn toward you, if she doesn’t smile, if she doesn’t laugh at your jokes= cut your losses, she isn’t interested.

  9. Don’t bother.

    They are trying to get their work in peacefully.

    Women continually say that they hate men approaching them (in general and at the gym in particular). So now the ball is their court.

  10. Only if she gives VERY Strong signals that she is too shy to approach you. When doing so be very polite and cautious. Frankly I wouldn’t recommend doing so.

  11. Yeah, it’s fine.

    Will some women be annoyed? Yes. But you know what’s also annoying? Not having any lady friends to do the horizontal tango with. You’re allowed to provide for your own needs as well as caring for the needs of others.

    But basically, just don’t be a dick. Just find her when she’s in between sets or something. Walk up to her and say “hey, I saw you over here and thought you were pretty cute, so I figured I’d introduce myself. I’m Fox.”

    If she seems down, then you’re in. Chit chat a little more, tease a date, and get her number/socials. If she gives some excuse, say “Ok, cool, well it was nice to meet you. I’ll see you around.” And then go on with your day.

    Benefits to this approach:

    1) It’s fast. You’re here to work out. She’s here to work out. No matter the outcome, a fast approach is a better approach, since it means you can both get back to your lives sooner.
    2) It’s bold. You are breaking social norms. You aren’t beating around the bush. You know what you want, and you aren’t wasting a second to get it. And what you want is *her*. That’s hot! (If she’s into you). Directly just spitting it out makes you appear more confident than 90% of guys, because you just don’t give a fuck.
    3) It’s honest. You aren’t trying to pretend to be her friend. You aren’t trying to weasle your way into her life so you can smell her armpits. You’re just telling her how you feel, and people respect that. Because when you are honest with people, they feel free to be honest with you. It makes you seem more trustworthy and level headed. So it gives her permission to just shoot you down – and since she *can* shoot you down and is confident you won’t have a bad reaction, she is less likely to shoot you down anyway.

  12. Yes, it’s OK. It’s even OK to approach her from behind and grab her around the midsection without asking her permission … as long as she’s choking and you intend to perform the Heimlich manoeuvre.

  13. If when you say « approach her » you mean it in a romantic way, you can, it’s ok, just be carful that it’s the good time, it’s just a matter of timing :
    – don’t stop her in the middle of a repetition
    – respect all the other advices to approach someone in general (be respectful, look at her in the eyes, …)
    – You can wait the moment that she don’t use her earphone (if she always has them just try to get her attention)

  14. As a women I don’t mind someone to approach me at the gym. About a signs I usually wouldn’t do it at all, or maybe quick smile to someone, but it’s a gym, we are there to struggle, so probably no xD

    Don’t see any problem for someone to start chit chat with me, and at least say hi from time to time after, why not.

  15. When in Rome do as the Romans do.

    A lot of Redditors live in hyper anti-social areas where the gym is like a sacred temple of meditative silence or a library with a hyper aggressive head librarian who will turn into a dragon and breathe fire if anyone socializes in their gym.

    Most people live in better areas, LOL. You can move away from where the Redditors live and the gyms are very social and fun places.

  16. You only get one life. Would you rather sit around thinking on who you could have approached, or know that you took a chance whether it went well or not? Closed mouths don’t get fed. Don’t listen to people saying you shouldn’t approach a woman here or there. Most people these days rely on dating apps and wouldn’t be able to carry an actual conversation to save their lives.

    Just make some small talk, invite out, and if the answer is no, no worries. Don’t dwell on it, don’t get upset, just get back to lifting!

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