I feel like my situation is pretty unique but I’m hoping that there’s someone out there with an idea of what to do. I would like to preface this by saying that I (14f) have been with my girlfriend (13f) for a little over three months now. I’ve had complicated talking stages/situationships in the past but she is my first real girlfriend. She goes to a neighboring school, and we were introduced over snapchat by a teammate of mine who goes there as well. We really hit it off, so I asked for her number. We talked for a while after and she eventually asked me out. Not until after that did I find out that she wasn’t out to her parents, who she said were mildly homophobic, and I never doubted that based on the interactions I would overhear or that would be described to me. They didn’t seem overly appreciative of her, and she’d often be left at home to take care of her little sister when the rest of the family would go out. Another complication had to do with her being involved in theater, which was until 6pm every Monday-Friday, and my being busy from 12-6 every Saturday and Sunday. As embarrassing as it is to admit, we never really got to meet in person. However we would text or call all-day every-day, often until one would force the other to get some sleep only to wake up to a good morning text. I can easily say I had never felt more happy and confident in myself than I did then. Id never clicked with someone so fast or told someone I love them so soon. I’d never experienced the blissful feeling of having someone be your first and last thought every day combined with the constant fear of loosing this person that means the world to you. That time felt like I had found my other half, and I think that’s really important to include here because it’s too easy to jump to “break up with them” if you can’t imagine just how hard that would be. Anyways, just over 5 weeks ago now, our schools were off for a week-long break. The whole first day of break we were texting, and she suddenly stopped reading/responding to my messages. It was late so i figured she’d fallen asleep. I said good night and waited to hear from her the next morning. The thing is, I never did. I texted her asking if she was ok since it had been a while, that’s when I saw she read it. I waited a couple days (thinking about her constantly) and then texted one of her closest friends who apparently hadn’t heard from her either. I figured that she must be going through a difficult time, as she’d struggled with her mental health in the past, so I continued to send her minor life updates as well as good night/morning messages which would all be opened with no reply. The Monday we returned to school I checked my phone constantly hoping to hear from her, instead the same mutual friend who set us up told me that she was grounded. It was her mom opening and reading not only all of the messages I sent during this time period, but pretty much every text we had ever exchanged. By two weeks I had started grieving the end of our relationship. By this I mean I stopped participating in school, going out with friends, putting effort into sports, and would be an asshole to my family whenever I wasn’t sobbing in my room. I figured since no effort had been made to contact me, she was moving on. I held out a little hope, though, because the production of Mamma Mia she was in would be taking place exactly four weeks after she lost her phone. I showed up with the mindset that it would be almost like my final goodbye; getting to see her perform almost as a way to tell myself that she really was real. What we had WAS real. That all went out the window the second she came on stage. I remembered what I loved so much about her, just how beautiful she is. The feeling of looking into her eyes and letting a few seconds feel like forever. I was enthralled. Everything came back to me, if anyone had looked at me they would have seen tears streaming down my face. I couldn’t tell you if they were from the joy of finally seeing her or sadness of not being able to talk to her. When Super Trouper came on (In case you don’t know, a main lyric in the chorus of Super Trouper is “But I wont feel blue, Like I always do, ‘Cause somewhere in the crowd there’s you”) I realized I couldn’t break up with her despite how miserable waiting for something so indefinite was making me. I told myself I’d run outside as soon as it ended but something stopped me. When everyone walked to the doors to meet the cast, I didn’t exactly choose to walk with them but I didn’t stop the crowd from pulling me in that direction. Then we locked eyes. I swear to you it was something out of a rom-com: A huge crowd of people, her in a brightly colored dress, a clear path between us. We slowly walked towards each other and it was the most beautiful moment I would relive a trillion times over if I hadn’t already done so in my head. We hugged and just stood there in each other’s arms for a moment, my mind was completely empty and my vision was blurry. I felt safe, peaceful, happy, even, for the first time in a month. I couldn’t get words out, I stepped back a bit and she looked up at me with those big beautiful green eyes. An apologetic look, but one of awe. I said a jumbled mix of “that was amazing,” “you’re amazing,” “you’re so beautiful,” “I love you,” etc. I remember she chuckled a little bit through her “thank you’s.” Then she had to go before her parents saw me. I thought that was what I needed to keep going, keep waiting for her, but it’s just so much harder now. I’ve asked about exchanging handwritten letters, but she’d be in trouble if her mom found out. I want to forget about her but I can’t, I “want” to break up with her but I can’t make myself, I just want to talk to her but I can’t. I want to hear her voice. I love her but I don’t know how long I can wait, there’s no date she’s supposed to get ungrounded and it doesn’t seem like any time soon. Even worse, I might be moving about 1,000 miles across the country in 3 months and I don’t know how much time I ‘d have left with her. I want to laugh with her and cry with her. I just want to hold her one more time before it’s over. I know we’re young. I know it was never going to last forever. But she’s my first love and she means so much more to me than I ever expected, completely warped what I had ever dreamed of love feeling like. I want to hold onto that feeling just a little longer, I just don’t know if I can. I don’t know if it’s worth the complete misery. So what do you think? Do I hold out hope but face having to keep grieving maybe/maybe not loosing her, or definitely lose her but let myself grieve and move on?

TLDR: My girlfriend and I can’t talk to each other and I don’t know if I should break up with her or not.

  1. If you can’t hang out and you can’t even chat, what relationship is there even left?

  2. doesn’t seem like you really have a relationship at all, might be better to just cut ties rather than prolong the seemingly inevitable

  3. Have you tried reaching out to her parents and explaining how much she means to you? It might be worth a shot if it means being able to talk to her again.

  4. First loves always feel more meaningful than you expect them to but in the grand scheme of things they aren’t. When I lost my first love I was inconsolable. Looking back on it from my mid 30s it was a pretty insignificant moment in my life with a girl I basically never think about.

    I know you don’t feel that way now, I sure didn’t but it’s the truth. If that’s not bad enough this won’t even be the last time you feel this way. As you get older and lose relationships some will hurt more than others. The important relationships, the ones that shape you will become more apparent. They won’t all be this bad but some of them will be worse, I guarantee it. If you keep at it long enough though you maybe get your happy ending.

    I know this sucks right now. Being your age is hard, I can’t even imagine the added challenges of being homosexual. But right now you are torturing yourself over a girl you’ve met once, can’t hang out with, can’t talk to and may never see again. It is in your best interest to start moving on. There is no joy left to be had in this relationship and sometimes love just isn’t enough.

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