Is it rude of me to eat alone? or should we have sat at the table and just not ordered?


We both ate, had a few drinks and laughed our asses off!

I settled the bill and tip.

I will definitely be calling her. 🤗


She felt so embarrassed for leaving her wallet at home, she wants to treat me to breakfast Saturday (in her words) “for being such a gentleman about the situation.”
Hoping she’s not baiting me into another meal, like some of you are insinuating.

  1. She asked you on a date? But she didn’t bring money? Guess she ain’t eating.

    You could make the argument that the person who asked has to pay for the whole thing. But depending on how favorable you like this person, you could be the gentlemen(or woman) and pay for it this time.

    It’s all up to you how you feel at this moment, whether disrespected or not. Good luck OP

  2. I’ve always been a believer that if you’re inviting, then you’re paying, but others see this differently, which is understandable.
    So you can always pay that once and be weary for next time now that you know she most likely ain’t gonna pay for next date.

  3. Lol how is this a “success story”?

    If you liked her you could have just ordered coffee for both of you. Or you could have treated or asked to get paid back.

    One of the reasons why people keep saying make the first date coffee.

    Keep in mind even if she asks you out, most girls assume the guy will pay for the first date.

    Also, having no money is an impossible excuse when we live in a world with digital money.
    She had a bank account right?
    Why couldn’t she eTransfer or cash app you?

  4. Girls assume the guy pays which is annoying as fuck so that is why I always make the first few coffee dates with maybe fast food if we end up spending a very long time together. No way I am paying $200+ for a date with someone I barely know.

  5. 🚩 mate….. that is just appalling. I would pay, don’t get me wrong, but no no no no no.

  6. She asked you out to dinner and then just didn’t bring her purse? If this is true I need to readjust my bar…

  7. You should have communicated about it beforehand. I have never had a woman react badly to *more communication*.

  8. IMO as a woman even if you’re expecting on some level for your date to pick up the check, even if he SAID he would pay, i think it’s super rude to not be AT ALL prepared to *at least* cover your half. For younger folks just getting out there learning dating etiquette, it’s probably more careless than malicious IMO. How to respond or what happens next is totally up to the individuals tho.

  9. Be aware of the red flags. If she always expects you to pay, that shows low quality values and is sexist.

  10. Glad it worked out. To me, whoever asks for the date should pay. But even if the other person asked I still bring enough for myself

  11. At my place, a girl will asked you out and bring her friends along with her. Thinking that you will settle everything yourself .

  12. This is suspiciously exactly like a meme posted earlier. Sounds like a shitpost.

  13. Is this a American thing?Like is it expected to pay for the date if you are male?

    I don’t know but in my country everybody pay what they had and when they are generous but it’s not expected

  14. I always paid so no biggie for me. If the date sucked, at least I had a nice meal. The way I see it, it’s all practice and good karma for the right person. If they only wanted to use you for free food, it’s bad karma for them but it’s a lesson learned for you. Perspective changes everything!

  15. you’ll be paying for every date forever. she already assumed you’d be paying after inviting you. she now assumes you will continue to pay for all of the dates.

    if you’re lucky she genuinely likes you a lot and comes around, swallows her pride, and starts splitting with you.

    kind of more likely that she’s “old fashioned” and will expect you to be her cash cow.

    i actually usually take it upon myself to pay for the first date, but only if she at least makes an attempt to pay for her half. if she doesn’t even take a glance at the check, that’s when i usually suggest splitting it. UNLESS i’m literally just looking for a hook up that night.

  16. Did she suggest the restaurant location? Or just say “we should go out sometime” and you did the rest?

  17. Way too many girls have the mentality of “Guy pays as ladies are queens and do not pay for anything”….

    Big red 🚩

  18. That had an awesome date= success story. If OP would have taken some of this “advice” that would not have happened. Good for you OP

  19. >Edit***

    We both ate, had a few drinks and laughed our asses off!

    I settled the bill and tip.

    I will definitely be calling her. 🤗

    And her tactic worked like a charm on you. SMH.

  20. Men should always pay for the first date. In return you get to decide where to eat and what you do. If there are further dates then you talk about your expectations.

  21. Go grab a coffee, weird she didn’t bring money to a date. Personally not a great sign.

  22. This is confusing…at what point did she reveal
    She has no money?

    No credit card?

    That’s odd she asked you out with no means to pay. Personally I EXPECT to pay on my first dates but holy shit I 100% expect the person I’m with to offer. And….be able to pay if I call her bluff.

  23. I wonder how many times she’s done this to get a free meal. You are now expected to pay for every date moving forward

  24. One in my lifetime i went on a date on Christmas and by night got dumped , that was my first and last date , since then never went on date , so i don’t know the felling of paying or card declining

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