I have this unpleasant feeling. I messaged her for a few days, but then I stopped texting first. It’s been three weeks without a message back, and I think she’s not interested. I don’t know how to explain it, but I miss texting her, although I feel she’s out of my league. I’m just feeling lost at the moment.

What is this feeling how can I move on? What is my next move?

  1. Just focus on yourself cause your first words should not be I think she’s out of my league you gotta have the confidence to know you can get her

    I have trouble with my self imagine too it’s hard but women love confidence and cam sense if you are or not. For now don’t worry about her she has your contacts if she wants to continue she will if not that’s okay too

    You got this get your confidence to level and level up. Stay strong KING 👑

  2. I’m going from St Patty☘️day. He canceled on me. And our daily messages are just dead. I feel you. It sucks. Some people are just not ready to date. I miss my guy too but you can’t force anything. You can always just wish them well on their journey

  3. It’s not you. It’s totally her. A lot of women do that. They usually end up ghosting good guys, and then wonder where all the good guys are. I would try a phone call. If you get nothing after that, delete her number and move on.

  4. If you guys only knew each other for a few days then I would say if she has not reached out to you after 3 weeks she’s not interested, not to say if you were to reach out then you couldn’t recover but maybe she’s just not that kind of girl. Also, You probably do need to take time to work on yourself and gain more confidence. I think that you’re just really down about the situation because you got your hopes up for a girl you felt was out of your league.

  5. Bro if you’re waiting for a woman to start a conversation with you, that ain’t gonna happen. Not in the super early stages of dating.

    Get that shit absolutely out of your head. If you’re interested, it’s up to you to make moves, period.

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