What is your advice to the next generation of men in the world?

  1. Same advice men have been given forever, and yet never seem to get.

    Don’t stick your dick in crazy.

  2. Maintain your friendships, practice stepping outside your comfort zone, maintain a mild level of physical fitness, and don’t buy into gender war nonsense.

  3. Be the change you want to see in the world. Lead by example and show the next generation that its okay to not always be okay.

  4. Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty. Learn to fix things yourself, so you don’t have to pay someone else.
    Have a selfless attitude towards others.

  5. Don’t take advice from women or from any man that you don’t want to end up like.

  6. Dropping Gems 💎💎💎💎

    My advice to the next generation of men in the world is to strive to be the best version of yourself that you can be. Respect yourself and others, be kind and compassionate, and don’t be afraid to take risks and challenge yourself. Embrace diversity and different perspectives, and strive to be a leader who can inspire and motivate those around you. Most importantly, always remember that you are capable of making a difference in the world.

  7. Listen only to people with significant experience in what they’re talking about, and failing that, get your own experience before deciding whether something is true or not

    Guys learning about dating should do so from scratch – not from what they see on TV or hear on social media. Find out for yourself what works and what doesn’t

  8. Stay physically fit with regular exercise and a clean diet. Try to avoid debt as much as you can when you’re young. Instead of blowing money on a flashy sports car, invest in the stock market. Find a roommate to split the bills with in your twenties. The harsh reality when it comes to work is that a job that pays a lot of money is more valuable to you in the long run than a job that makes you happy. If you’re bright enough to go to college for a STEM degree, do that, if you’re not, don’t waste the money on tuition, learn a skilled trade. Don’t live beyond your means even if you’re making a good salary, focus on investing as much as you can when you’re young so that you might be able to retire early. If you have good friends that are important to you, put effort into maintaining those relationships. If you’re not 100% bought into the idea of having kids, don’t have kids under any circumstances.

  9. Don’t put women on a pedestal. They may seem like they are angels who can help us but better off focusing on yourself. Build the man you want to be. The right woman will find you if it’s meant to be. Don’t value yourself on the women you get.

  10. Don’t rush into marriage because “it makes sense” or because others push you to do it. It’s okay to be 30+ and have not been married yet. Too many people get married young and regret it.

  11. Stay off social media. It’s so beneficial for your mental health. You stop seeing what everyone else is posting and comparing yourself to them and you stop seeing every single thing in the news as the end of the world and seeing people who disagree with you politically as the enemy.

    Life is a lot more relaxed and enjoyable without Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and everything else.

  12. Learn how to break up. So you dont get a kid and fall in the pit of divorce i see many do.

  13. No one is responsible for your happiness and outcomes in life except you. No one.

  14. Be nice to each other.

    Not everything needs to be a competition.

    And it’s not womens’ job to take care of your emotional wellbeing. But get away from women who actively harm yours.

  15. Don’t let society tell you what is “being a man”. Carve your own path on being a man.

  16. “I’ll tell y’all right now while y’all in it, take care of y’all bread. When y’all done, go ahead and take of yourself. While y’all at it right now, take care of your bodies, take care of your chicken, take care of your mentals, because look, we ain’t lasting that long. I had a couple players that I played with that are no longer here. So start taking care of your bodies, your mentals and your chicken. So when you’re ready to walk away, you walk away and be able to do what you want to do.” – Marshawn Lynch

    I think this applies to way more than football.

  17. Respect women as human beings deserving of dignity but also do not put them on a pedestal and delude yourselves into thinking they aren’t capable of abuse and malice. Make platonic friendships with women without ulterior motives. Do not feel entitled to relationships and do not think you need a romantic or sexual partner to live a fulfilling life.

  18. Build really deep friendships. You’re not alone on this world and the stronger your community is, the better you’ll be able to weather crises like getting sick, getting fired, or anything else.

    Figure yourself out before you try and meet a partner. You need to deeply know what you want out of a partner and what you offer a partner. If you aren’t a match on both, you’re likely going have a troubled relationship. The only way to find those things out, though, is hard – it requires being in relationships and reflecting on the good and bad after they’re over.

    Last one: if you do find a partner, don’t expect them to be the same person the day you meet, when you get engaged, when you get married, when you have kids, etc. We all change. If you stop relearning your partner, it’ll make you both resentful and end the relationship. While it is hard work to keep at it, what better than divorce or being stuck on a bad situation is being able to fall in love over and over again.

  19. Try to avoid negative and/or controlling people. Doesn’t matter if they are family. Cunts that want to keep you down/decide how you should live aren’t worth wasting time on.

  20. Learn how to say no and mean it. Set boundaries and dont be worried about what other people think about it. The only person you have to deal with for the rest of your life is yourself, so having your own peace, comfort, and self respect will be worth more than anything

  21. Its better to do a great job at one thing rather than half assing multiple things at the same time


    In other words, sloooooow down.

  22. Be wary of anyone that is a self-proclaimed ‘alpha male’. Set and achieve your goals and don’t care what anybody else says about it

  23. Water your grass where you want it to grow- e.g. spend your time, energy, money, and efforts in places that are most rewarding to you.

  24. Don’t be an asshole, despite what grifting “influencers” tell you. It’s not a good look. No one actually wants to be around an asshole except for other assholes.

  25. There isn’t something wrong with you, you aren’t a toxic male for doing shit that guys do. Thousands of years of evolution is the reason you feel and act like you do,
    There is nothing wrong with that.

    This isn’t a free pass to be a complete dickface but it’s alright to feel the way that you do.

  26. Find a job that allows you to do other stuff apart from just work. Too many company’s now expect too much from workers.

  27. Don’t go to war with women……. Pendulum swings too far one side and we have an all out hate fest. Instead, go to war with extremism in all forms.

  28. “A satisfied life is better than a successful life because our success is measured by others, but our satisfaction is measured by our own soul, mind and heart.”

  29. Reach out to your buddies.

    I know there’s a level of friendship where you don’t speak for years and when you finally do it’s as though you’re just picking up where you left off, but sending a text, email, voice mail, or discord message will make a bro feel good. It could make a world of difference for a homie going through a tough time in silence, which I know a lot of guys do. I’m guilty of it because I felt like it would make me a burden to my friends, so I get it. A real friend is someone who will go through bad AND good times with you.

  30. * Develop an active lifestyle as early ass possible. The longer you wait, the harder it is to start.
    *Good habits build on themselves. The more you do things that are healthy and make you feel good, the more you’ll want to!
    * Don’t neglect your mental and emotional health.
    * Be vulnerable with people. Be sure to pick the *right* people, and maintain healthy boundaries while you do it, but all human connection ultimately comes from being vulnerable with others. Beware of the walls we build between each other.
    * Don’t be afraid to look foolish or fail. It’s an inevitable part of growth; the sooner you lean into and embrace it, the better off you’ll be.
    * Go easy on the dopamine-driven bad habits. Social media, video games, and porn are the big ones. They can be fine in moderation, but they’ll hurt you in the long run if you don’t put hard limits in place.

  31. The world will teach you that you are owed respect, that you’re strong & silent, and that feeling things is weak. The world is wrong on all counts. You should respect all others, especially those that can do nothing for you. All people have times where they feel powerless, vulnerable, and worn down. Not only is that normal, but it’s normal to express it and ask for help coping and getting back on your feet. Finally, understanding how you feel and why you feel that way is imperative to processing and using that emotion.

  32. Women are people too, and not some hive mind. Doing and saying the same thing to each one will not have the same effect.

    Treat others how you’d like to be treated.

  33. * Don’t get sucked into the gender war/roles nonsense
    * Stay mildly active
    * learn to become **independent**
    * Learn to accept losses and rejection
    * learn **discipline** to control, manage, and express your emotions (don’t just bottle it up)
    * Learn to take & accept **responsibility** and **accountability**
    * Be kind to others as well as yourself.
    * Learn what your boundaries are and how to enforce them.
    * Anger can be a great motivator, but don’t let it become your foundation. It’s absolutely poisonous long-term.
    * Read and travel!

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