Every Friday, just say whatever is in your mind in this post. It doesn’t need to be a question, and go on whatever tangent you want to go on.

We will still be enforcing our rules on gendered slurs, bigoted/disrespectful/hateful commentary, invalidation (if someone’s only contribution is telling others they are wrong), medical issues, and relationship advice. However the comments don’t need to be on a specific topic, and they don’t need to be open-ended questions.

\~The AskWomen Mod Team

  1. The wedding I went to last Saturday was quite the adventure. There was a severe windstorm and because of that the power was out at the venue they initially booked. Luckily there was plenty of natural lighting for the ceremony, but the reception had to be moved to another venue, and then another venue on short notice. But in spite of all that, they still got a visit from our local baseball team’s racing hot dog mascots. xD

    DAZ PHOTO OF THE WEEK: [Must watch birds.](https://imgur.com/gallery/iXysBPF)

  2. My mom finally stopped saying, “if you have kids.” She said, “when,” for a years, then switched to, “if,” and now she’s stopped!!! I’m so happy to be free from this pressure to have children. (from her at least)

  3. I told this guy I really liked that I was feeling used and like I couldn’t gauge his feelings for me. He ended up ghosting me for two weeks until I sent a message the other day asking if we could meet up to talk and if not, I wished him the best. I dated him previously a few years back and wanted to say goodbye the way I would want someone to say goodbye to me.

    He ended up responding to me saying how he never wanted anything serious, even threw in an “lol”. It’s hard for me to let people in, even harder to let someone back in a second time. I had told him essentially that he was hurting me and that was his response. Something snapped in me and I just went off. I even told him that he was a coward, childish… manipulative. I haven’t tore into someone like that in years. I felt like a sack of shit after, but also, I don’t regret it. I’ve let guys treat me like shit and like I’m less than. I really thought he was different, but no. Maybe sometimes people deserve to have shitty things said to them. I kinda hope he cried because he definitely made me cry. I just feel kinda empty now.

  4. It’s ridiculous how taking time off is stigmatized. I remember growing up being spoonfed (by others, not my family) that taking time off was for the weak, and that you should power through anything and everything, and only take time off if you really could barely stand up and had a fever.

    That’s so bad for our general wellbeing, physical, mental, and emotional.

    We really need to normalize taking time off for self-care days, or days when working is going to upset our mental health, or further destabilize it. It’s not a weakness to need time to rest and recuperate, especially after draining events.

  5. I’m feeling dull and lost even though I know I have reasons to feel otherwise. In almost every friendship/relationship I’ve had with men, I mostly feel used and the one putting in the maximum effort to sustain it. After a time, it gets tiresome but you are still too scared to lose the select few friends you’ve got haha.

    I don’t know how long can I continue like this, I can’t be drowning myself in caffeine daily to combat emotions.

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