Redditors, what is your “the one who got away” story?

  1. I was having casual sex with a student from Hong Kong who was really kind and passionate about dancing. She wanted to date me but I wasn’t interested in a relationship, so it ended.

    5 years later she’s in a popular female dance group called K-OTIC Crew and she’s more beautiful than ever. They get lots of views on social media so I sometimes stumble across her.

  2. I dated a girl in highschool and it just kinda ended. She was great and everything, but we were in highschool. Well… turns out her family owns Best Western and she is LOADED now.

  3. I was fishing in my Uncle’s pond on his property when I was around 12 or 13 or so and I hooked a beauty of a large mouth bass.

    I got it to shore but when we went to pick it up it spat the hook out and flopped back in the water.

  4. Went on a couple dates with a hot 6’ girl who was into metal and hunting. Was too nervous to even go for a kiss and she ghosted me after the second date.

  5. Absolutely beauty pair of PSB Stratus Golds in dark walnut veneer for $700, alas they sold before I mustered the cajones to pull the trigger

  6. Went on a date with a girl from a different high school. She had her license and picked me up, which was sweet. Our date was cute and awesome. We held hands after we climbed a building (pro move on my part)

    She drove me home and got outta the damn car to say goodbye and I choked and went in for a hug and said goodbye.

    Next day, I went to the coffee shop she worked at (she wasn’t working) and the gal behind the counter recognized me, went in the back and brought out this staff chalk board that had “HE HUGGED ME! :-(” written on it.

    Never had a chance again. Now she lives in NYC, married to an awesome dude and I couldn’t be happier for her.


  7. I strung her along for a while, when the deal was almost sealed she broke the line and swam off. With my favorite lure no less.

  8. A massive pike on a little boat in the middle of the lake. I tell you I could’ve grabbed the thing but just a second before I pulled it into the boat it got loose and got away.

  9. I have a one I wish had gotten away. Too late now, but I am in love with my toddler. Her mother though, this is a damning pain and longing I have not ever felt

  10. I was super into this girl in high school. Short cute blonde who was super bubbly which melted me. In hindsight the girl was obviously in to me as well. We skipped school one day and met another friend to catch a movie which is something this girl would have never done otherwise. The other friend cracked a joke like woah did you guys bang before you got here? She straight up said yes even though we didn’t and I just laughed it off. We sat around after we left the movie and just talked for a few hours. It’s been almost a decade but I’ll always wonder what if. If you somehow catch this J, I hope you’re happy and still as awesome as you were back then

  11. Went on a few dates with a guy from the college basketball team. He lived in the next suite over on my dorm floor and was the sweetest person ever. However, one of my “friends” convinced me that he had just been trying to use me for sex. I was too freaked out and didnt know how to bring up my concerns so i just ended it. Turns out the friend started seeing him soon after, and would always bash on him whenever I saw him. I still regret how I ended that relationship, as he deserved better and more trust.

  12. Friends brother in 84’ was selling his 440 Cuda for $4000 and I went with a Honda instead because it got 10mpg. I’m still mad at myself even as I write this….so stupid kid, live the dream for God’s sake!

  13. I liked a girl from school. She liked me as well, apparently she told her mother, her mother has a beauty salon and told my mother when she visited that salon. My mother decided to tell me that she liked me like 2 months later. That was 2 days after she got into a relationship with one of my best friends at the time. If only she told me earlier.

  14. My dad got away. I was about to poison him with a liquid I concocted together from different toxic plants, but when it was about to happen, an inner voice told me not to do it. I figured if I went through with it, I would become the monster I opposed.

    But he died a very, very slow and agonizing cancer death where the cancer would prevent him from effective pain medication. That was a relief to hear. It was the last time I was truly happy and elated.

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