What screams spouse material?

  1. Good with kids. Flattered by but not interested in every person who hits on them – knows what they want.

  2. Good communication and conflict resolution skills. The ability to work through a disagreement calmly and rationally. Sees problems as “us vs the problem” not “me vs you.”

  3. Respecting and caring about my thoughts and feelings more than they care about impressing their male friends.

  4. “I’m not going to lie, I thought you were exaggerating about your family. But you’re not crazy, they really do treat you like shit.”

  5. Good banter, excellent communication, ain’t afraid to say what’s on his mind, won’t be trying to play “macho man” if I wanna pay the food bill, sexual chemistry and is my best friend

  6. Assertive, time to time chivalrous. Kind but not a doormat. Open minded. Willing to communicate, listen and improve. Does not judge nor shame anyone for their circumstances. Is reliable, and is a teammate instead of an ‘alpha’.

    Well.. I think i just created a man too good to be true lol

  7. A man who can take my broken brain meltdowns, spotty memory, and erratic personality with a sense of humor.

  8. Being able to admit when you’re wrong, picking your battles, but most importantly (to me); being able to open up about insecurities (not necessarily physical) to the other partner. It makes the partner feel dependable, trusted, and reinforces that the couple is in this together instead of being adversaries or competitors

  9. Respectfulness, taking others into consideration, setting (and keeping!) healthy boundaries, appreciation where it is due, non-deprecating sense of humor.

  10. Being there for you if you’re feeling shit or times get hard and not just giving up and leaving

  11. Is patient with you in demanding situations reg emotions, career, health etc.

  12. Just someone who’s got his act together, is after something long term and serious, has the maturity to work through stuff and ready to share his life.

  13. Communicates well, has a career, has his whole life planned, secure in himself, and knows where he wants to take his life next.

  14. Responds to criticism in a non confrontational way, doesn’t get defensive, willing to work with you + always honest

  15. No commitment issu would be a nice start 😂.
    It’s very hard to find those days

  16. Understanding and supportive through health issues. Both yours and your loved ones’.

  17. Good communication and adulting without sulking or making the room feel unwelcome, kind, thoughtful and attractive to my eyes, hilarious, smart

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