From what I heard it was a lot easier to set up with someone back when there was no internet. Now it seems like men are at a big disadvantage when it comes to dating online for example. I’ve never been so sad in a while, it’s so hard to find someone that matches your energy. I’m I the only one who finds it difficult? It seems like everyone is playing games and the grass is always greener elsewhere so people have more and more criteria.

  1. *- From what I heard it was a lot easier to set up with someone back when there was no internet.*

    Not really. There were always guys who were bad at picking up girls before the internet. They just did not have an open forum to describe their frustrations. Before the internet, guys who were bad at picking up girls faced similar frustrations, such as fear of rejection, lack of confidence, and difficulty in approaching women or knowing what to say.

    They also spent days without knowing what the girl is up to since messaging apps did not exist and calling a girl at her house was super risky as her dad would tipically pick up the phone and guys would not even know what to say to the girl over the phone call and ended up being awkard. Not to mention how impossible long distance relationships were back then, where sending post cards and letters were the mainstream way to communicate with one another.

    However, without the internet and social media, they didn’t have the same level of access to advice, tips, and strategies for meeting and attracting women.

    They also didn’t have dating apps, online dating websites. As a result, they had to rely on traditional methods such as meeting women in person through social circles, hobbies, or events.

    While it was still possible to find a partner this way, it required more effort and social skills than it does today with the help of the internet. And your frustrations about finding people who match your energy were equally shared back in the day with the difference that it was more hopeless due to the lack of information about dating.

  2. It is fucked now more than ever.

    With roe v Wade gone and how conservatives are being even more intense and forward with their ideals (which sound very fascist right now), and with the exposed of angry taint (Andrew Tate) it’s becoming hard for women to feel comfortable in the dating space and therefore they’re being more conscious about their choices.

    With that going in effect, men who were taught the traditional values that don’t work anymore just don’t know how to change and now have a much harder time going out and finding women who were just raised to be independent since they were kids and find it hard to find a partner that meets their values.

    Within both parties, men being abusive is deadly and women being abusive is mentally intoxicating and for the ones being abused and being able to be free from it, they would be even MORE picky about who they let in their lives to not experience that again.

    I think overall it’s just values between men and women are so vastly different nowadays that neither side are finding suitable partners as a whole.

    This is simply from observation of many resources and evidence within the past few years including this year.

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