What is the most dangerous town or city to travel to as a person of colour in the USA?

  1. My black friends still, to this day, generally avoid a lot of the small towns outside of Wichita Kansas because of how hostile people in those places can be. I grew up in one of those suburbs and in the 90s they were still burning crosses in the yards of minorities who made the mistake of moving into town. You can’t spend more than a few hours in public there without hearing something like the “n word,” “s&#c,” “ragh@#d,” or “f#$$@t” used casually and loud enough to be overheard whether you want to hear it or not.

  2. As many others have posted: Harrison, AR.

    Edit: corrected AK to AR, I’m sure Harrison (Bay), AK is a lovely place.

  3. In general, it is going to be smaller, rural places. This sub is going to resist it to the hilt, but yes, there are places where you will meet severe aggression.

  4. Please lookup the term SUNDOWN TOWN. That will give you a list of towns that have a long history of particularly disturbing lack of safety. The idea is a black person would want to “be gone by sundown”

  5. As a black person it is one with a lot of black people.

    According to Justice Department statistics, in stranger killings, the chance that the offender is black when the victim is black is about 89%.

    You are far more likely to be killed by someone of your own race in general.

  6. Honestly, it’s probably just going to be a dangerous area of a large city, not a sundown town or anything like that. People like to pretend we’re still in the 1940s or something, but the fact of the matter is, it’s FAR more dangerous to be in certain areas that are high crime in general than it is to be in a small white town in the south.

  7. America isn’t really like that. You’re not subject to more or less danger based on your race. Most of the people who face violence are usually wrapped up in something that they shouldn’t be. Most people have no worry about it.

  8. Some hicktown in the Deep South, probably. I’ve heard of some Arkansas town that’s supposed to be racist af.

  9. This question needs way more context. A lot of answers in the comment can be accurate/correct or completely off-base depending on what is actually being asked.

    Is this a question including people of color simply leaving their house and going about their day?

    Is this a question about how dangerous it is for a person of color, who does their due diligence like not going to the ghetto, to be attacked unsolicited?

  10. Harrison, Arkansas gets a bad rep on Reddit and the rest of the internet, but in their defense the mayor and city council are working to change that image and show that they are welcoming of all backgrounds. Small steps sure, but people like to act like the town is run by the KKK and is like a sundown town out of the 1950s when it’s really not.

  11. Boston.

    You’d be shocked at how openly racist the white working class there can get, and yes, they can get violent as well.

  12. OP thinks the different races just roll up on each other like gangs in a turf war.

  13. It’s a bit rich how many people are saying that *actually* you really don’t have any more or less chance of violence or danger based on your race. Just as an example, black people experience 10 times the gun homicides, 18 times the gun assault injuries, and nearly 3 times the fatal police shootings of white Americans. (According to [Everytown for Gun Safety](https://everytownresearch.org/issue/gun-violence-black-americans/) but that’s not the only place you can see these stats.) It does not matter if the “perpetrator” of the violence is black or white or whatever.

    This doesn’t have to be the “who has it worse” derby, but at the same time it’s quite naive to say (for example) “America isn’t really like that. You’re not subject to more or less danger based on your race.” And it’s rather dismissive to imply that most victims of violence are criminals themselves so therefore it’s not worth bringing race into the conversation.

  14. A lot of places. I lived in Arkansas that doesn’t give you a lot of options. And don’t listen to people telling you there isn’t race based discrimination or downplaying how bad it is. They will deny it to the end. Go onto any video or comment section explaining a black murder. you will see tons of them vilify murdered men women and children, cops involved or not. In their minds death is an appropriate punishment for any crime a black person commit. All it takes is seeing the difference between how they are treated for similar crimes and how they act when approached by law enforcement. That being said steer clear of Arkansas. There’s barely anything there of worth anyway.

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