I and my ex — turned hookup partners — are having a lot of sex; and we both love having it raw. She decides to get a birth control, should I pay?

I can pay, but my concern is about the mental affect of this decision.

I’m aware that it’s only me who can say what should I do, but I do want to hear your thoughts and experiences. What would you do if you’re in a similar situation?

  1. I’d say either be a full gentleman and just pay outright, or at the very least offer 50-50.

    But honestly IMO, women have more than enough bullshit when it comes to sex and reproduction. They carry more than 50% of the load when it comes to the work of keeping the species from going extinct, and all the bio-bullshit that goes into having a womb that can make babies. Men chipping for things like birth control feels like a small step towards balancing that imbalance, and just being gentleman and helping out. So yes, my advice is just to pay for it and help out, because as a man that’s one way you can.

    >What would you do if you’re in a similar situation?

    In my case I offered 100%, she counter-offered 50% and I took it uncomplainingly.

  2. The better question is who is going to pay for the STD treatments … if neither one of you are exclusive and you are doing it raw, that would seem to be a major risk unless you have absolute certainty you are both using condoms outside of your hookups.

  3. no you shouldn’t. if she’s the one that’s proposed this question then she’s completely out of line. if you wanna help pay for it, tell her that her other sexual partners need to cover a cut of the cost too lol

  4. It’s looking like an unpopular opinion here, but why on earth would you pay for someone else’s birth control? Partner or no partner, adulting 101 is taking care of your own shit. If this were a plan b question, or an ab0rti0n question, then yeah, I can see 50/50 or whatever… but paying for the birth control of someone you’re not even in a relationship with? I don’t think so man.

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