What is a brutal truth about relationships?

  1. All relationships that don’t end in marriage are just experience. Learn from them.

  2. That no matter how much love, respect, kindness, commitment, and chemistry there is, relationships are fucking hard. It takes an immense amount of effort on all parties to keep a healthy relationship flourishing for the long term. It’s worth it, but it’s definitely hard work.

  3. Every relationship is individual to the people involved. Success and failure depend on everyone involved. If your relationship isn’t working for you or fulfilling for you, it’s your responsibility to communicate about that and decide whether or not it is the right relationship for you. If your relationship is a constant struggle, be honest with yourself that you are choosing that struggle.

  4. No matter how compatible you may think you are in every way, relationships aren’t perfect or easy. Effort needs to be put in from both partners.

  5. There is more to life than just romantic relationships. Other relationships types are just as important to have, work on and maintain.

  6. That relationships are not selfish and actually require a lot of individual sacrifice.

  7. No matter how hard you work to save it/fix it/change it, if the other person won’t do anything, you have to walk away. You have to accept who the person is not who they could be.

  8. There’s no such thing as a 50/50 relationship. Sometimes it’s 55/45, sometimes it’s 90/10, sometimes it’s 60/40. Very very rarely is it 50/50, and even on those rare occasions it’s not sustainable.

  9. They are hard work. They can sometimes rob you more of your piece of mind when trying to please the other person. I’ve been learning to prioritize myself too

  10. Love is a choice, not a feeling. You will need to CHOOSE to continue loving. Also, loving someone and living with them are two completely different things.

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