So I’ve been talking to this girl in my class for a while and I think we at least consider each other friends. We see each other at the gym, and she initiates conversations a lot of the time. When I decided to ask her for her number through snapchat, a couple months ago (which I should’ve probably given her mine instead), she responded with “I don’t respond to messages often.” Ouch. But since then, we’ve still been talking, and she still initiates contact. I asked her about prom yesterday, and found out that she already has a date. Ouch again. I take a shower, and 30 minutes later, she snaps me. Wth is going on? She gives off good signals, but something feels off. Does anyone know what could be going on? I’m trying not to overthink it but it’s just so difficult.

  1. She sounds like she’s just trying to be your friend. How are these signals mixed? Ask yourself, would you consider these mixed signals if one of your male friends was behaving like her? Nice doesn’t = flirting and you have not mentioned flirting just conversation.

  2. She’s not sending mixed signals. We’re misreading or trying to read signals that aren’t there.

    Sorry OP but this girl clearly isn’t interested in anything past a friendship.

  3. This is a sub for advice on dating. I’m not sure what sub deals with friendship problems, or honestly what the problem is.

    But good luck, hope everything works out.

  4. Find someone else who makes you feel sure. Or just bluntly say exactly what you feel and get your answer. Being blunt has made things easier for me

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